what's been goin on

Nov 16, 2009 09:21

Warcraft is boring these days.

We bought some cool crystals and gems from around town recently, adding them to our collection.

Work plods on. They are supposed to be posting a job position soon that would be a step up for me. I think I will put in my application.

Bought some new clothes recently. I don't like to splurge on stuff like fabric and clothing but I desperately needed some new work (and non-work) clothes. Money well spent I guess, I feel and certainly look better.

Wanted to buy a new webcam but that may have to wait. I have been buying other stuff lately (as mentioned above), including art supplies. I picked up some colored as well as graphite pencils and a sketchbook along with a few other items and have been filling my time with that. I have never really been much of a graphic artist, but it certainly is relaxing and entertaining, and I'm getting better with practice. Yay for a real hobby ;) I also may pull out the trombone and/or baritone soon...I always want to play them around this time of year. I guess I miss playing in christmas concerts, lol. I do miss being part of a group of people playing together.

Went out to a local bear bar recently. Didn't stay long, but it was good to get out of the house for a bit and be around other people.

Been listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers a lot lately. Bought a Total Fark account. Need to get an oil change and my truck worked on.

That's what's been on my plate lately. Will try to take and post pictures soon. I'm still around and read LJ. Don't defriend me please :D


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