Post-TBRU Exhaustion

Mar 24, 2009 09:29

TBRU was a blast, it was so much fun. I loved meeting all the people I ran into, but there were way more people who I wanted to meet that I never ever saw. There were just so many people there it was impossible to meet all of them.

We got back late late Sunday night, and I spent most of Monday feeling like crap. I was exhausted, felt like I had a fever, my tongue was swollen, my mouth was dry, and I felt pretty nauseous. I finally realized that I was moderately dehydrated (and that I had not picked anything up from the naughtiness that I engaged in, which was my first concern). I drank fluids throughout the day - when I could pick myself up from the couch - and by the end of the evening I felt mostly back to normal. I am still feeling a bit wonky, but I figure once I get fully rehydrated and back in the swing of the normal everyday business things will get back to normal.

I danced, I met people, I was brave, I introduced myself to strangers, I ran around in a singlet. Sadly we missed the LJ Meet 'n Greet (I really wanted to finally meet you guys!) - instead I went on one of the excursions that day (and my what an excursion that was!). Next year I will try to plan things better and try to meet/message everyone so that I can fit in a lot more hanging with peoples into such a short period of time. Also, I will try to get off that Thursday and Friday and head up there Thursday afternoon. Having Monday off was nice, too, to recover.

Didn't get to take any pictures really, but I was so busy running around meeting people and having a good time that I wouldn't have been able to fit it in anyway.

For someone who is coming out of the social closet, I think I did really well, I had a GREAT time, and will definitely be going back next year. TBRU was way larger than the smaller events we've been to and it was an eye-opening experience.

social, tbru

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