Jun 09, 2011 08:02
Gah. Got sidetracked from blogging each day and just kind of acted lazy...guess I'll post a big post to make up for it and "catch up"
First off, FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU it looks like I got a computer virus on my lap top. Again. Both times when visiting the destructoid website. so it's probably one of their ads or something. Blargh. Guess I'll just stop going there for now. It sucks too because I actually like that site and the blogger personalities. Oh well, I'll still have the podtoid on itunes and dtoid show on youtube I guess. Virus is one of those really nasty ones that hijack your computer, hides all your icons and tells you to buy their software in order to fix your "critically failing" computer. Windows Vista Restore is the name of it. I have to run RKill and Malwarebytes to get rid of it and then some unhide.exe program I got since they hide and lock all your files to make you panic and think somethings wrong -_- Why the fuck do people even make programs/viruses like these? I mean, it's clearly illegal and it can't be that profitable...high risk with too little payout...it makes no sense. It just makes life more difficult for people...D:
Gah. I'm waiting on money from my prepaid visa to clear through so I could buy Zelda: Link's Awakening DX on my 3DS. Only 6 bucks...but it's TAKING FOREVER. I am not a patient guy -_- It's been 2 days now. Normally it clears in one. What gives? D:
E3 was this past week and I've been geeking out and watching all the trailers, news coverage, game announcements and press conferences. I'll go over my thoughts somewhat briefly for each one.
Was pretty good overall. The only big surprise they really had was Sly Cooper 4. A lot of people seem to ADORE the Sly series but I've yet to play any of them myself. I'll probably buy the HD collection sometime this weekend. I think it's only 30 bucks for 3 games remastered in HD with trophy support. Other than that and a couple games I didn't really care about, everything was just their usual expected stuff. Uncharted 3 looks FUCKING GORGEOUS. I can't express enough how much I *LOVE* the Uncharted series. Easily one of my favorite game series of all time. Infamous 2 was there...which is actually out now. Looks good, but some jackass posted a spoiler on Playfire. I'm trying to forget that. Oh and the Playstation Vita was announced. Basically the PSP2. It looks good. And only 250 bucks (much cheaper than I was expecting). 300 for the 3G enabled one, but not sure if I'll bother with that since I do most of my gaming at home anyways. It looks quite interesting and I probably will pick it up...just not sure if it's a day one purchase for me. I might wait a while for it.
Now that I actually have a 360 I was interested to see what they would come out with. They've had pretty much NO exclusives as of lately so I was hoping they would announce some games for me to get. I was horribly disappointed. They pretty much just went on about shitty Kinect games for an hour and a half. There's Gears of War 3, Halo Anniversary (HD remake of Halo: Combat Evolved) and Halo 4...but meh. I don't really care that much about any of those. Everything else was multiplatform and I'll probably be getting it on the PS3. Like Mass Effect 3 and Tomb Raider (which looks AMAZING by the way).
They started off with a bunch of Zelda stuff which is great. Ocarina 3D, Links Awakening DX on the eshop, Four Swords being free on DSiWare, Skyward Sword and a touring Zelda Orchestra concert all over the world. Looks like I'll be having a Zelda overload this year :3 totally not a bad thing. They showed a bunch of 3DS games, most of which I'll probably buy. I do love my 3DS. First time I ever bought a game system at launch ^_^ and honestly the games look great. Kid Icarus Uprising looks particularly epic..though when I downloaded the 3D trailer on my 3DS, I can see it making me dizzy/nautious after a while. Lots of moving around at a fast pace. Maybe I'll play it in short bursts and be fine. After all the 3DS stuff they unveiled their new console, the Wii U. My god, what is it, the year of horrible console names? That's even worse than the "Playstation Vita". Nothing about this next gen console really impressed me other than promise of third party support and actual "hardcore" gaming instead of the casual shovelware that makes up 90% of the Wii's library. The controller itself is....interesting? It's like an iPad with buttons...doesn't look too comfortable holding a giant rectangle just for a 6" screen that I probably won't want to use. I can't see the controller being cheaper than 100 dollars either...so the system itself will probably be expensive. Though as a plus you can use your old Wiimote (and probably accesories too) so at least there's that.
Hmm...I don't want to ramble on about all the games too, so I'll just make a list of games I'm interested in that were shown. At least the ones I can remember off the top of my head...
-Bioshock Infinite
-Deus Ex Human Revolution
-White Knight Chronicles II
-Hitman Absolution
-Uncharted 3
-Infamous 2
-Assassin's Creed Revelations
-Final Fantasy XIII-2
-Zone of Enders HD collection
-Metal Gear Solid HD collection
-Ico and Shadow of Collosus HD collection
-Twisted Metal
-Skyward Sword
-Resident Evil Racoon City something something (new PS3/360 one)
-Resident Evil Mercenaries and Revelations on the 3DS
-Mario Kart 3DS
-Super Mario 3DS
-Kid Icarus Uprising
-Starfox 64 3D
-Street Fighter 3rd Strike
-Devil Survivor 2
-Street Fighter x Tekken
-Dead Island
-Some PSN game I can't remember the name of. Starts with a P...
And probably tons more that are just slipping my mind at the moment. Yes I do want and plan on buying all of these games over the next year. Needless to say I'll be quite poor and busy XD
Anyways, on to 3 or 4 days worth of video game meme!
May 30 - Your favorite character.
May 31 - A game that is underrated.
June 1 - Your guilty pleasure game.
June 2 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).
June 3 - Most annoying character.
June 4 - Favorite game couple.
June 5 - Best soundtrack.
Not June 6 - Saddest game scene.
Not June 7 - Best gameplay.
Not June 8 - Gaming system of choice.
June 9 - A game everyone should play.
Day 13 - A game you’ve played more than five times.
Day 14 - Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper.
Day 15 - Post a screenshot from the game you’re playing right now.
Day 16 - Game with the best cut scenes.
Day 17 - Favorite antagonist.
Day 18 - Favorite protagonist.
Day 19 - Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in.
Day 20 - Favorite genre
Day 21 - Game with the best story
Day 22 - A game sequel which disappointed you
Day 23 - Game you think had the best graphics or art style.
Day 24 - Favorite classic game.
Day 25 - A game you plan on playing.
Day 26 - Best voice acting.
Day 27 - Most epic scene ever.
Day 28 - Favorite game developer.
Day 29 - A game you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving.
Day 30 - Your favorite game of all time.
Saddest Game Scene
This one is a little tricky for me because there's some unwritten rule of the universe that states "If Matt likes a character, he or she will surely die". All my favorite characters get killed off. But I think by far the most soul wrecking, horribly depressing moment would be the end of FFVII Crisis Core. Even though I knew that was coming, that still made me horribly sad inside.
Best Gameplay
Portal 2 is just pure genius. Everything is so carefully crafted and just so...clever. Even the way the writing works its way into the game is clever as hell. The game is pretty short, but I was VERY impressed and blown away every step of the way. If I ever make it as a game designer, this is the high standard that I'd try to achieve. Kudos to you Valve.
Gaming System of Choice
Easily my PS3. I own all the systems and most of them get neglected for a while, but I always keep coming back to my PS3. If there's a multiplatform game, I buy it on the PS3. Trophies mean more to me than ahcievements do (I'm nearly at 1500! ) and I just strongly prefer the feel of the PS3 controller over the 360 or Wii controllers. It hasn't changed that much and I've been using that similar layout for nearly 15 years now. Also all of my favorite franchises tend to be owned by Sony (or are multiplatform).
A Game Everyone Should Play
I say everyone should start with the basics and just play Mario. Super Mario Bros 3 or Super Mario World are good places to start. It has that perfect balance between casual and hardcore. Easy to learn and difficult to master.
game meme,
e3 2011