Oct 28, 2010 13:04

I finally got around to beating Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations. Now that it's all over, I'm kind of sad. I want to see more crazy misadventures with them all =( I also wanted to see if Phoenix and Maya ever actually got together or were just friends. Apollo Ace is supposed to take place several years later...I think I'm going to pick that game up on payday (tomorrow)

I also beat Sonic 4: Episode 1. I was a bit of a Sega fanboy when I was a little kid. I absolutely LOVED the 2D sonic games...so I was really stoked when Sonic 4 was announced. The controls are a little wonky and take some getting used to...but other than that, the game was really fun and satisfying. End boss made me RAAAAGGEE. I died like..25-30 times. I can beat him without taking a single hit no problem...but at the end he does this desperation move where he'll randomly drop down, destroying the floor and kill you no matter where you're standing. You have to rush below him and hit him before he drops down (you have like...a second to do this) but I didn't know this....and if you try hitting him after he drops down, he's invincible and you just take damage before dying. It was frustrating. BUT I BEAT HIS ASS STILL. So take that, Robotnik! (Yes, I still refuse to call him Eggman.)

Video games aside,

I went to Fright Night on Sunday since I had a free pass. It was raining so there were virtually no lineups for any of the rides and most of the haunted houses. It was fun. It's been a few years since I've gone on any roller coasters. I'm not a huge fan, but don't mind them too much. I just don't think it's worth the 50 dollar ride pass during regular fair time. I enjoyed myself this time because it was included with my free ticket AND no lineups. I also raved inside a spinning room with glowsticks...only the floor was rocking back and forth so I fell over and hurt my ribs on the gaurd rail. Oh well. It was worth it. Next year I should bring a Vampire Killer (whip from Castlevania) and slay the ghouls.

Had a second poker night at work last tuesday. That was fun....I was originally told there would be prizes but still nothing D: Even though I technically won 2 of the rounds D: bah. Oh well, I mainly went for the free food. Pizza, Popcorn Chicken, Hot Dogs, Chicken Strips, Fries, etc....all FRREEEEEEEEEEEE. And I don't mind hanging out with some of my coworkers. Good times, good times.

Upcomic plans include Halloween Party at work tonight. It's our place combined with Metropolis theatre...so there'll be lots of people I don't know. I think I'll just hang around for a little bit and enjoy free food before leaving early. There's also drinking and movies at Robs on saturday. I plan on making a bunch of video game themed drinks and trying those


Some of them look REALLY good. I made myself thirsty just looking through the list =D Yay for geeky drinks!

Anyways, I'm off to go do stuff...until work....*has no clue what I'm doing* Ugh...and next week is going to suck too...because I have 4 days off in a row and have no idea what to do with them. I need more friends ;_;

game finished, sonic 4 episode 1, phoenix wright trials and tribulations, stuff, life

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