Oct 06, 2010 09:22

So, on Friday last week I picked up Dead Rising 2 for PS3. Holy crap I love this game. Makes me wish they would release the first Dead Rising on the PS3. I've been playing the hell out of this game all week.

I've already beaten it 3 times pretty much. Got the S rank ending on my first play through, and the D rank for my second, which I ignored the case missions and just screwed around doing whatever for about 75 hours (game time, not real time). Also been playing on Dose's progress via coop and have done pretty much 90% of that. Need to get him online and finish that up.

Now I'm pretty much just messing around unlocking stuff and getting some of the trophies. I've beaten every psychopath, have 6 million dollars to unlock all the random vehicles, unlocked the spiffy secret Super Ghouls and Ghost armor/outfit and gave Katey every gift making me "Father of the Year". I have a trophy that claims it, so it must be true.

The storyline was great. Chuck has some HILARIOUSLY bad one liners....the kind you hear in the best sort of B horror movies. Like one of the psychopaths falls onto a running saw blade getting horribly disemboweled....then Chuck is just like "...I saw what you did there." with a smirk on his face. It's great. The storyline itself is pretty entertaining too....conspiracy, plot twists, evil corporations...all the good stuff you'd expect in a zombie storyline. Also, Katey is the best 7 year old daughter ever. She's so adorable. She likes Megaman and doesn't afraid of anything. They did a great job with the writing, getting you to really care for her. At least I did anyways.

Hmmm gaming aside, I'm home alone for the week. Been so since Sunday. Parents are off at San Diego and I love the peace and quiet. Also did chores since they left the house in a REALLY horrible mess. Now it's all spotless and clean that way. No seriously, who leaves on a week long trip and doesn't even take out the trash at least? *shakes head in disgust* But yes, in spite of chores, relaxed Matt is very relaxed.

My sleeping habits have been terrible as of late. For the past week or so now (maybe more) I've been getting 2-4 hours of sleep at night. No, seriously. I'd go to bed at 11pm, thinking I'll finally have decent sleeping habits, only to wake up at 1am. Or I'll be so dead tired and pass out, but then wake up 4 hours later and not feeling well rested. Blargh. Damn insomnia. At least it's extra gaming time I guess...

Oh hey, going back on to the topic of games...Final Fantasy 4 Warriors of Light is out now isn't it? That completely crept up on me and came out before I knew it. Though I still have a bunch of PSP games to play through....including more PSP2 with Pengtwin and Mikari <3

game finished, life, video games, dead rising 2

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