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Aug 28, 2010 08:48

Huh. I was keep track of what games I finished this year...guess I should update my blog before I forget.

Transformers: War for Cybertron: An all around awesome game. Graphics and gameplay were good and it was really fun running around Cybertron and blowing stuff up as Decepticons and Autobots. Had some really epic moments too. Only downside to the game was the online multiplayer. The coop and deathmatches all were terrible to connect to. No dedicated servers so there would always be lag or dropped connections -_- The game would have been 100 times better if not for that...

Trinity Universe: Well, I finished the Kanata campaign. Not the Rizelia one. But the Rizelia one is pretty much the exact same storyline, just from a different perspective. Not the same, but not too different either. In anycase, a good JRPG. I quite enjoy it. Though the story never seems to take itself seriously. Not sure if that's a good thing or not....

Scott Pilgrim vs The World: 8-bit goodness makes me smile. It's also been a while since I've played an oldschool beat-em-up. Loved all the classic gaming references too (like mario, megaman, bubblebobble, etc). A really fun, short game. Was totally worth the 10 bucks on PSN.

Tales of Symphonia 2: Dawn of the New World: Ahh, its been a while since I've played a full console Tales game. Absolutely loved the story, characters and humor. Although I forgot most of what happened in ToS really...I had to refresh my memory by watching the anime OAVs for it which is an uber condensed version of the story. All in all it was a good game. The first one was better as there just seemed to be more to do...which makes absolutely no sense to me. You'd think they'd be able to fit more data on a Wii disc, but nope. No costumes, no world map to travel on, no cooking for your own characters, not many original new story characters (your party is filled up with monsters you capture and ToS characters who don't level up)...but oh well. I still enjoyed it.

Hmm...I think that's everything. There were quite a few games I started but never really finished. Just been randomly playing whatever recently. Elite Beat Agents, Tales of the World, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past, No More Heroes, Kirby's Adventure and I just started Infamous yesterday....

Well, that's my recent gaming in a nutshell. I'll try to blog about more relevant life stuff later.

tales of symphonia 2, game finished, transformers, trinity universe, scott pilgrim

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