A Massive Pre-E3 Video Game post.

Jun 13, 2010 00:54

Well. E3 is just around the corner. To most people, it's probably just a "meh, that's cool." type dealie. For me, it feels like Christmas. Video Games are my current obsession (just look at how much money I pour into them x__x) and I absolutely LOVE getting excited about the latest game announcements and news at E3 each year.

Its actually a bit of a dream of mine to one day be a game journalist. It just seems like it would be something I'd enjoy a LOT. Perhaps I should start uploading reviews and such to different sites and see if I can get noticed. Video reviews are popular...maybe I should get a video capture device and start making some of those. I know on gametrailers I generally get really positive feedback from my comments on games...so I'd like to believe I have at least a generally agreeable view on the industry as a whole. Huh. I guess it's something for me to look into.

BUT ANYWAYS. On to E3 stuff. The world's biggest gaming convention kicks off in 2 more days. Being a playstation fan, I'm looking forward to Sony's press conference more than anything, but will probably keep my eyes open for Nintendo and possibly Xbox's conferences as well. The Sony conference will be streamed live on Tuesday. If I find a good place that's streaming it and has a chatroom, I'll try to post it here =D

Now, how to organize this? Hmm...I guess I'll start off with games that have been recently announced that I'm looking forward to. I'll also throw in a link to all the trailers if I can.

The Last Gaurdian by Team Ico

What can I say? Shadow of the Colossus is one of my all time favorite games. I wasn't expecting much, but when I played, I found something...beautiful. It's like...art in video game form. This sequel (or will it be another prequel?) is looking to be just as awe inspiring. For me, Team Ico is to video games what Disney or Ghibli is to animation.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution by Eidos/Square Enix

Holy crap. This. Looks. Epic. I have to admit, I never really knew anything about the previous Deus Ex games and when I looked them up, it seems like they were just some popular old FPS games. This one however is a prequel and if I had to guess from the trailer, I would assume a third person shooter/action game. The trailer shows absolutely no gameplay footage, but instead has pants creamingly awesome cinematics. The whole thing looks like a badass ghost in the shell/cyberpunk type setting. All in the distant future of...uh...2027? Really? 17 years? Ok, that's a bit of a stretch. But I guess if it's an alternate universe, different from our own, it works.

Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds by Capcom

I pretty much just watched this trailer on loop when it was released. The game itself isn't coming out until next year and chances are there won't be a playable build at E3 or anything, but it doesn't drag the hype down any less. Capcoms "vs" series are easily the best fighting games of all time (at least in my opinion) and are insanely fun. With Chris Redfield, Dante and Deadpool added to the roster, I know this one will be a blast. What I'm looking forward to the most is seeing Deadpool break the fourth wall in typical Deadpool fashion and proceed to beat the living crap out of his opponent with his life bar. I don't care how he handles in game, he will be my main fighter.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned by Disney Interactive

This one took me by surprise. Normally movie based games tend to...well...suck. And absolutely none of the other PotC games have ever interested me before. But from watching the trailer, I have to admit...this looks really damn fun. Complete open world to explore and plunder. And it has it's own storyline/original character so you don't have to be like "lol I'm Jack Sparrow, forced to do Jack Sparrow things from the movie." You could probably even just take away the "Pirates of the Caribbean" title and just see it as a really awesome pirate game on its own. And I absolutely love that.

Scott Pilgrim vs The World by Ubisoft

Okay, I'm going to be honest with you. I really don't see the appeal in the Scott Pilgrim franchise. The upcoming movie just looks "meh" to me and the art style of the comic does nothing for me. Also, the guy having to bend over backwards for some chick who seems to have way too many asshole ex-boyfriends (I'm guessing she's a shallow slut) just doesn't sound like the greatest story concept to me. All that said, the video game looks fucking AWESOME. I mean, seriously, just look at those graphics. Despite being brand new, it still makes me feel nostalgic looking at it. Makes me wish I could play it with an old school NES controller. Also, there's a horrible shortage of side scrolling beat em ups these days. I used to love that genre of games...

Fallout: New Vegas by Obsidian/Bethesda

It's a post apocalyptic RPG in New Vegas. Seriously, what more do you want? Gambling, shooting ghouls, fighting crazed robots, fending off radiated mutants...it has it all. I loved Fallout 3 and this is looking to be more of the same with some nifty extras. If it aint broke, don't fix it. And it looks like they did just that. Also, being able to throw spears and use C4 sounds REALLY fun.

Killzone 3 by Geurilla/SCEA

Did I play Killzone 1 or 2? Nope. Was I interested when Killzone 3 was announced? Nope. And then I saw the gameplay trailer. Or more specifically...I saw a rocket propelled jet pack with mounted turrets and was instantly convinced this is the greatest thing ever. Yes, I'm simple like that. Don't judge me.

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes Of Light by Square Enix

I seriously originally wrote "by Squaresoft" instead of "by Square Enix". I had to go back and change it. That just goes to show how much I'm expecting of this game. Back when they were "Squaresoft" the worlds that their final fantasy games took place in were much more deep. With sidequests to do, towns to explore and NPCs to talk to, you got a way more immersive experience than you did with, say, Final Fantasy XIII. It's a "new" Final Fantasy done in a classic style. You can bet your ass I'm looking forward to this one.

Final Fantasy versus XIII by Square Enix

Okay, yeah, I was JUST ragging on FFXIII in my earlier post, but...well...screw you. I grew up on Final Fantasy so I'm allowed to be a fanboy over the epic looking new installments. I heard it will be just as Linear as FFXIII was, but at least I'm expecting it this time. Yeah, I'm pretty much looking forward to this just for the storyline mainly and..er...because it looks frikkin cool. Sadly, the trailer I linked to was the old one that came with Advent Children Complete. Haven't heard anything about its presence at E3 yet, but I will be hopeful.

Final Fantasy XIV by Square Enix

It's supposed to be out this year, so hopefully we'll have a release date given at E3. I don't really spend much time on MMOs these days, but I can see myself wasting a good chunk of my life away on this one. A lot of Square Enix titles on this list...don't know if that's a good thing or not.

The 3rd Birthday by Square Enix

I really enjoyed Parasite Eve back when I was a kid. To me, it was almost like a Resident Evil RPG (which probably sounds cooler to me than it does to most people...). The fact that they're making a sequel after all these years has me completely stoked. I hope they rerelease Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve 2 on PSN as PSone classics. Mainly because I never got the chance to play Parasite Eve 2 sadly...

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep by Square Enix

Um...yay! More Kingdom Hearts!.........yup.

Kingdom Hearts: Re:Coded by Square Enix

see same comment as above. Trailer is for the original mobile version of Coded. Not Re:Coded which is the DS remake. I really do love the Kingdom Hearts games, but I kind of wish they'd stop screwing around with handhelds and make a PS3 KH already. that said I will still be handing over monies for all these spinoffs that come out in the mean time. Yeah, I'm not proud of myself either...but hey, at least it's still awesome keyblade action.

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions by Activision

I really want to believe this game will be good. I've been disappointed by Spiderman games for so long. Please please PLEASE don't fuck this one up. It looks promising from the early trailers, but I'll still have to wait and see a bit more gameplay.

Dead Nation by Housemarque

Yeah, I like my zombie games. And we haven't really seen any AMAZING PSN titles released this year. Nothing that could hold a candle to Flower or Fat Princess which came out last year. So I'm hoping this one will deliver and will be just as fun as it looks. I'm hoping for a top down version of Left4Dead. We'll have to see how it plays out. I do love the terrible B-Movie trailer though..

Ugh. I was also planning on making this even longer by including what I'm currently playing right now and games I've beaten recently, but my head hurts and I'm getting tired of typing/sitting at my comp...so I guess I'll save that for another time.

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