What I've been up to

Dec 23, 2009 23:52

Guess I should post some non ranty stuffs for a change. I haven't really been up to a whole lot recently - mainly just gaming, work and anime. But meh, I have nothing else to to go on about. So instead of depressing rantings, I shall bore you with pointless ramblings. besides, I think I said I would in my last blog post.

I've beaten a lot of games since my last blog post...and ran out of money for new ones, so I've been pretty bored as of late. I think I'll be making a massive "2009 in review" post later on concerning all the gaming I've done this past year. It was definitely an awesome year of gaming for me. Mainly because I got my PS3, but I'll get to that in another post.

For the most part, I've been replaying Disgaea 3 trying to do all the extra stuff. Holy crap is there a lot of extra stuff. I'm level 3235-ish or so. Max level is 9999. And even then, you have to reincarnate them and get to it again if you want the characters to be the strongest. I've beaten the Diez gentlemen, finished all but one of the extra maps and cleared about 130 floors or so altogether in the item world. I'm trying to hunt pirates now so I can collect illegal tickets and unlock the land of carnage. Pirates are scared of me and not showing up though. So far I've only been able to find 2 of them (out of 27 or so).

One of the things that amused me is that one of the diez gentlemen (supposedly the strongest, most notorious demons in the netherworld) is Set-oh-oh, who is a blatant ripoff of Seto Kaiba. He was all like "Bwahaha I'll go first and summon 3 god level monsters in one turn!" then after you kick his ass he's all like "NOOOOOOO! You took a turn after me, therefore you cheated!". I was amused. I think the other extra diez gentlemen were also spoofs, but I didn't catch the references ^^;

Anime wise I've been watching A Certain Magical Index and A Certain Scientific Railgun. Both are really cool series. The overall theme is pretty much magic vs science....oh and there's a character named Stiyl who I'm positive is Axel just under a different alias (and using less hair gel <.<) Though he's only in Index and not Railgun. I think the two series are supposed to take place at the same time, only from different perspectives, but then, certain things don't really match up @_@;;

I've finished Needless which was cool. Just...random mindless epic fighting and fanservice. Can't really say much about that.

Just started Big O. Roger Smith is Japanese Batman. No doubt about it. It amuses me how he causes 10 times more property damage than the bad guy he's trying to "save" the city from. I've decided he's an asshole...but a lovable one. So it's all good.

Anime and gaming aside, work has been very meh. I had a horrible flu for the last half of November which made it impossible for me to go job hunting. So I'm stuck with just my theatre job still for now. They've been screwing me over on hours though. One week I only got 4 hours work ALL WEEK. I believe the reason is because of a policy we have where if you work so many hours within 2 weeks before a stat holiday, you get a bonus. I think they just wanted to screw me out of that bonus. They've tried doing it before, asking me if I wanted to go home after I've been there for an hour only or so. Bastards.

I really hope I can find a job after the holidays. Wish me luck, ok? I think I'm going to need it....

anime, work, games

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