(no subject)

Mar 18, 2009 20:44

So I wound up pulling an all nighter last night. I tried playing around with Corel Painter a bit more. 2nd pic turned out better than the first methinks, but still looks "off" to me. It's up at my DA as usual.

I also played crap loads of Disgaea 2. I'm on chapter 10 of 13. I love the Disgaea series. The first one is actually better than the second by far...but oh well. The point is, I have a ninja girl zam. She says "zam" at the end of every sentence for some reason zam. I think She is awesome and made of win zam.

I finally passed out at like..1 or 2pm and slept until 8:28. Yeah, that's kind of a specific time. But I noticed because I apparently missed Cherri online by like..7 minutes. I read her blogs afterwards and it seems like she wasn't having a good day. Now I feel really really bad about not being there T____T If you read this Cherri, I'm sorry!

art, disgaea, cherri

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