(no subject)

Mar 12, 2009 21:48

I ninja'd a copy of Corel Painter 10 and tried messing around with it. It's so different from photoshop...like..similar, but certain thigns are just...odd and different. So I keep on pressing x to switch between the color pallets, but that doesn't work in Painter. It's just frustrating since I don't know where any of the options are and the fact that I use like..a bajillion keyboard shortcuts that now don't work XP

My tablet pen "feels" different in painter too. And the tablet "eraser" doesn't actually erase. Ugh.

The "Test" picture I did is up at my DA...it's a doodle of The Punisher. I personally dislike it and think it looks pretty bad...but it IS just a test after all. Chances are I'll dump it in my scraps sooner or later.

I found some dollar store canvas boards! Yay! I've been wanting to paint, but yeah, I absolutely loathe painting on paper...so I was happy to see cheap Canvas boards at the dollar store by my work. So yay!


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