(no subject)

Feb 07, 2009 17:00

Got a whole mess of trophies today while playing Little Big Planet and Linger in the Shadows. I'm at 97 trophies. Only 3 away from getting 100. SO CLOSE!! D: I can probably get them in Little Big Planet if I try hard enough...though some of them might involve me having to go out and spam advertisements to get people to play my level/heart me ._.

I'm half tempted to go out and buy Uncharted.....yesterday WAS payday afterall...but...at the same time...I need to show self control and save up monies >.< I already spent 28 bucks on getting some funds for the Playstation Network...and yesterday I bought Reborn and Zombie Loan manga too. So that's like..60 bucks or so right there. Ugh....*struggles to stay away from the game store*

Gah. I are le tired. I've been up since 6AM >.< And I have to go to work in 30 minutes or so...@_@

Speaking of which...work SUCKED yesterday. The big head boss decided to go all gung ho and make everyone do MAJOR MAJOR cleaning (Painting walls, mopping floors, cleaning behind machines that no one ever notices, having the junk guys come in and take away piles of old stuff, etc). I kind of snuck out and avoided it all..but still...it sucks not being able to sit down and just relax up in my projection booth D:

...*twitch* Uncharted is still calling out to me....why must I fail at having willpower...*sighs and continues to fight with myself*

trophies, work, video games

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