(no subject)

Jan 14, 2009 16:21

I need to post about something other than video games...

I forgot to mention that a month or two back, I got a letter in from ICBC about that whole fraud bullshit my brother put me through. Apparently all the tickets were transfered and taken off my account and I didn't even bother finish filling out the impersonation package. Apparently my brother talked to a guy at ICBC (whether or not I believe him is a different story) he said that the guy said he would just drop everything as long as my brother gave up the fake liscences and redid a probation period thing where he can't drive for so many months. Either way, there's no tickets on my name anymore and I haven't heard from them since...so I'm going to assume that it's all done and over with now.

I need a plan. Well...okay, I have a plan. I just need to act on it. I'm 23 and living at home and I personally feel pathetic about it, since I'm not in school and I absolutely loathe living with my parents. So here's my plan:

-Update Resume, print a few copies out
-Get a second job - most likely a graveyard shift so it doesn't conflict with my current job.
-Save up 5000 dollars (gives me enough security and slack after I move and makes sure I can cover expenses for at least 2 months. Also need money for furniture, groceries, moving truck, etc.)
-continue saving money while I pay off student loans little by little.
-Practice art on my own and build a decent portfolio that I won't be ashamed to show others.
-Go back to school in the distant future (year or so?)
-Get a job at a game company somewhere in Vancouver and make smexy 3D environments.

okay! so I'll start by printing and dropping off resumes this weekend. For graveyard shift job, I'm thinking stocking shelves at one of the local stores down the street...London Drugs or Save On...It's not glamorous but it's an extra paycheck. Also, Graveyard shifts generally pay better anyways due to the hours.

I got my PS3. I have games. No more splurging/spoiling myself. Gotta save money.

I also need to establish credit. I tried applying for a Mastercard earlier today...but the only thing really holding me back is that it said you need 75-500 initially to cover some expenses....I only have 150 or so to my name, so I'll wait until next payday or so before doing that.

Short Term Goals:
-Get a job within the next two weeks.
-Save up my first 1000 in a month from now (so mid feb)

goals, work, life

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