Mwhahaha...haha...hahahahahahaha...oh i forgot. Haha.

Apr 18, 2005 22:01

Anyway, writing cos i am totally bored out of my freaking skull, so here goes a long pointless tirade about something probably pointless.
I ve been working for eight days now. I am doing the same sort of stuff i was doing at mercedes, except its for ford. I have to clean and actually drive the new ford focus model around nice. I was really scared the first time, until i realised that these cars were piece of cake to drive. My work mates are the usual assortments of strange characters.
The first is a french out of work female make up artist. She s nice, i took her card in case i ever make a film, she told me all about how hard the business is. But I decided "Fuck that! Cos i am one of the duuuudes!". anyway, she is pretty weird, she takes ecstasy recreationally and is into haelth stuff, she does not drink milk cos its a breeding ground for illness. Bah! I like the stuff, and she is a veggie. Oh well no one is perfect.
Then you have a polish guy called Voytek, he s mental. I mean he looks like a geek (he actually had a simonesque look to him, except loads of hair), he s totally hyperactive though and speaks comical english, and shouts instaed of speaking. He is funny, in many different ways. His reocuring phrases are "I dont know! Don t ask! No fucking way! and "Fucking GLASS CLEANER!"
Then there is the other polish guy, he is old and said that there was no work in poland for the over forties. He s called Sylvek, but i call him Sylvester or Mr Wheels. He told me that his wife was stupid cos she likes opera and ballet whearas he likes matallica, and then he said he had not had sex with her for years, but he still liked his kids. He speaks terrible english and thats why these kinds of phrases are funny, he looks like phil collins with a black toupet (fake hair, who the hell lnow how its spelt). He s reoccuring phrases are "Work is work, break is break, cigarrette is cigarrette, break is break, sleep is sleep and beer is beer"
Then there is harry, he looks like a combination between butcher boy and a baby and one of the coneheads. His face is freakish , yet really amiable, he is bald and has got a really soft amicable voice. I don t see him much cos he only comes along in the evening.
Then there is Sean, he s an irish buddy boy, he s a big guy, with tattoos and stuff and there is much pork pieness about his face. Hard bastard best describes him. He always says in a girly voice "Do you like me?", weird, an inside joke i guess.
The there is David. He is scottish. He is the boss. And he says stuff like "You fecking arseholes", "Do you need fecking glasses. I ll lend you my fecking glasses. "Fecking polish cnts", "You re the fecking problem", "The feckers!!!!", I think you get the idea, he reminds me of the pervert priest in Father ted.
Thats it, its funny, david never swears at me cos i m a local, so that means its even funnier. Then there is the camera car driver he looks and speaks like the guy with the moustache who hates his wife in only fools and horses. He s good. There is also an australian ford guy, he s just australian, but thats still pretty good.
Anyway, work is alright, not great not bad, alright, has its ups and downs, only four days till the end though, and i ll be 1000 euros up for two weeks work which is non negligable: )
Tomorrow, i ll be meeting the girl i have to kiss face to face for the first time, she is english and coming over from england and attractive. I m worried. I ll probably post on livejournal at the weekend in order to recover from the traumatic experience.
Its my birthday on thursday, but i ll be working, but i ll party hard on saturday. As i ll have to celebrate my b day and the end of work, which is cool. I ll try and invite my partner as she knows no one her age here (hehehehe), but i m not raising my hopes. She ll probably refuse and probably already has a boyfriend. Anyway, my Bday cannot be worst than Lois s, as he had his appendix removed on that day. Talk of a crap B day present.
I went out and got excessively drunk at the weekend, fell asleep in my cousins car and we slept there until 8. It was hardcore baby. Bought a 1l mug of beer at the bar. I want a 1l glass now!
Bought myself Its a wonderful life, and watched it whilst i was alone in nice. Lois being to sick to stay away from home, and me having to be close to work. So as i was feeling lonely and down i watched it and i cried. I think i may be suffering from a hormone inbalance as i never used to cry at movies. I felt much better though, it s a wonderful life is a great movie, and one of the rare black and shite movie i could actually watch again and again.Next i m going to buy myself oldboy on dvd, cos i really really really want to see that movie.
I never told anyone about my trip to Paris. So I ll reserve it to when i come to england. It was fun, and alcohol filled.
There is probably more, but i feel tired, and i must get up for work tommorow.
And i need a shower.
and to pleasure myself solo style (sorry i always have a masturbation reference, its my signature i guess).
I also need a drink.
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