And thus the weekend ends....

Sep 20, 2004 21:18

Well I am mildly happy at the moment, I spent an alright weekend. Spent the friday chilling at home and relaxing, spent saturday afternoon getting a haircut and discussing mundane things with my cousins. The evening was pretty cool as we went teat at my long lost cousins house, with his girlfriend. They are pretty alright. My cousin has a speach impediment, which gives the impression that he is retarded (but he is actually not) and his girlfriend is pretty but kinda fat (then again campared to me everyone is fat, except phil), but she is nice. I got drunk and we went to chill in St Raphaael, saw a really gorgeous barmaid and took a piss in the womens toilet. On Sunday I slept till midday and played video games all day.
Today it was back to work though; one of the arabes left but a new one replaced him. Bah they all look the same anyway. Haahahahahahahaha. Dear oh dear. I had to do some really messed up panneling work on the ceiling, I am starting to have a muscular body, which i kinda weird cos i am still real thin. I guess I am now allowed to say that I am ALL MUSCLE.
I admit that I still feel kinda lonely at the moment, apart for family members all my friends are presently unattainable and I kinda miss them. As long as I work I will be social very innactive, but it is kind of a catch 22 cos the more I work the more money I have and the more fun I will be able to have when I stop working. I really want to just fuck of, go abroad, do something. Just live a little. The problem with having such a distinct aim for my life is that I can very difficultly deviate from it or do random stuff. Work generates a terrible lack of freedom which I loath. And my legs hurt from having stayed standing up for the whole day.
If only some one would just give me a camecorder.

Bah, another day another couple of euros I guess.
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