Dec 17, 2009 21:21
It snows in London. It's beautiful to see the huge, puffy white flakes drifting lazily down. It's been doing it for a few days and finally starting to stick. Meaning it's even colder and the ground is starting to freeze. The front steps were icy today and the grass was crunchy with frost.
It's supposed to keep snowing all week.
Been awhile since I've experienced the seasons in extreme on this side. I kinda like it, even if it is freezing. Most of my friends live in poor houses with little to no heat or insulation, making for a fully bundled, hot tea at all times experience.
It is probably one of the reasons I managed to come down with the flu. New germs + freezing cold + exhaustion. Yeah. Tom called it a few days ago, said he could see it in my eyes and not to be upset when I went down. He got all the supplies and everything ahead of time. He's a good one.
I love the bath.
Nimbus got it too. She's sneezing up a storm. We're gonna have to find a vet sooner than later. Too bad, she HATES the crate. I mean HATES the crate. She saw it for the first time the other day and hissed, spat, ran and hid under the bed for 2 hours. Great. At least there is a good vet within walking distance of home.
National Insurance application arrived today. My first piece of mail and the one last thing that lets me be official in the UK. Once I get that, I get a bank account, health insurance and the ability to have a job.
For now. I want nothing more than to be warm and sleep and make the non-stop coughing so hard that I choke and almost puke stop.
Next week... Liverpool, in laws, Christmas... it still seems so surreal.