so conflicted about my OB.
My current one is the kind of very competent, well recognized older man who obviouly has TONS of experience and accolades but has ABSOLTUELY no people skills. He's also fairly popular so visits to his office only take five minutes and are more akin to cattle calls.
It goes like this:
1. stand on the scale,
2. have blood pressure taken
3. measure my stomach, tell me I'm fat and 'watch what you eat!"
4. and....out the door.
Seriously, less than five minutes. no question and answer time.
Today I try out a new one who is much more local. Automatically I connect better with her. very friendly and open, has a great nurse-practitioner with her and we all talk about my medical history. I'm feeling pretty good about this and seriously thinking about switching and then it all comes to a screeching halt.
She is measuring my stomach and she says, "what's your BMI? because you are measuring a little big".
I know my BMI. Suprious and bizarre method of measuring "health" that it is. Pre-pregnancy it was 36.5. So yeah, right on the border for OMG MEGA FUCKING DEATH FAT.
Which for the record annoys the shit out of me, not my body fat, but the assumption that some stupid number is a perfect generalization of my level of health (which is pretty awesome with the notable exception of my asthma which is an auto-immune disease and NOT caused by my weight). I could get in to the whole medical breakdown for blood sugar and blood pressure and thyroid and all that FAT-RELATED shit but trust me, I'm perfectly fucking normal. not a single number out of the "normal" range.
AND she then recommends me to the high-risk pregnancy OB because she isn't comfortable delivering a baby for a woman who is almost 5'9" and 250 lbs. Are you kidding me? I'd argue that my supposedly gigantic self is more suited to this than some other body types.
So yeah. Annoyed.
really really annoyed.
and for the first time ever I'll attach a full-length picture of me (for the three LJ readers left) who may not know what I look like. seriously, I'm not that fat!
Picture is a little old, My hair is longer now and I'm about 15 lbs heavier, but that is not a significant difference on someone with a frame my size.