Facebook = so much drama

Mar 22, 2011 16:44

Did you know that being deleted from facebook is the most disrespectful crime against the common citizen?? WELL DID YOU? I didn't until last week. I frequently delete people I've lost contact or touch with as I don't see a point having them on my friends list if we aren't real life friends. That being said of course there are always exceptions, like online friends in different countries that you still talk with and family who lives far away but you still chat with...but recently I deleted my best friends sister and all hell broke loose. I didn't think we were good friends to begin with but I love her little son and bought them both birthday and Christmas gifts and come to think of it did spend quite a bit of time with them. I just didn't ever really consider her a friend because we never confided in each other or got very close. Anyways regardless...I deleted her because I didn't agree with alot of her actions, the way she treated(or mis-treated my best friend) and behaviour especially the things I witnessed when her son was present so I deleted her, and so I thought, the drama from my frequented home page.

BUT...there is ALWAYS the B-U-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All I did by deleting her was cause MORE drama. She sent facebook messages demanding to know what she did to me to deserve being deleted. Silly me I wasn't thinking clearly...how dare I delete someone...especially when they have my phone number! I know if someone deleted me from their facebook and I had their number certainly I would call them and tell them off for deleting me too. I am after-all 8 years old and just HATE losing close friends I never talk to or hang out with! When messaging me demanding answers and a re-add, I messaged her back and straight up told her, I don't want the drama. Well that set her off and in turn warranted a full on over-the-phone verbal assault(while I was at the motor vehicle registry office by the way) my phone rang off the hook and when I answered all of the people in line with me got to hear that I'm a "stupid fucking fat cow" "stupid piece of shit who's mad because your boyfriend left you and doesn't want to fuck you" (he was actually standing next to me) "stupid bitch"...those are in quotations because they are actually are quoted from the voicemail she left me after I shut my phone off because she wouldn't stop calling me after I hung up on her because I couldn't get a word in to defend myself.

So lesson learned, add facebook friends with extreme caution and never overlook the possible reactions that may occur when you delete that person. I think I might even write up an application-to-be-facebook-friends and ask potential friends to fill it out before-hand so I can evaluate them and hopefully avoid more drama.

Happy Facebooking LJ readers.
Until next time stay low, dodge the bullets.

facebook, drama

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