
Apr 22, 2008 14:09

my heart hurts. my insides feel like they are infected with the plague. my head is on the verge of exploding. not to mention my heart again.

Bagheera is so sick with FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease), common in males, and horrifically affecting mine. if any of you know my cat at all you're aware of how timid and skidish he is around strangers and strange sounds or strange anythings in general. well he just spent 4 traumatic days at the Aurora Vet Clinic. he was completely blocked, so he couldn't pee, he was in ALOT of pain, and when palpated(given a manual squeeze on the bladder to help alieviate pressure) he would only dribble out a very small very bloody amount of pee. that is high risk for a male kitty. he was on the verge of death with his bladder all bloated out and inflamed so i brought him to the first vets office that opened, Aurora. i told them about his timid nature and what a wimp he is, thinking they would give him some sedative to relax him. they knocked him out with gas and gave him an IV and a catheter. he had that in for 24hours but was spooked by the vet and escaped from her and ran all around the back room and ended up ripping it all out, seeing as he wasn't being sedated while he was being monitored. the initial cost as estimated by the vet herself was $750 MAX. but after the fucking fiasco she charged me the maximum $750 AGAIN and had to do the whole procedure to Bagheera for a second time, poor kitty. i went to visit him and he was so horrified he was completely rigid, his body was so stiff and tense, and his eyes were so big and scared, it was like seeing him locked in the cage at the SPCA that i rescued him from all over again. it was horrible. they called me in because he wasn't eating or drinking, i was happy he ate two whole tins of cat food while i was there, so anyways....all hooked up for a second time, and STILL not sedated even though he freaked out, in the middle of the night when no one was there the catheter tube bent so his bladder was swollen and full of urine he wasn't able to push out, he was in serious pain and chewed the tube out so he could the vet appeared very incompetent to me and after paying my $2000 bill and taking my cat home for a few hours i brought him to Dr. Gilbert and Dr. Bennett at McMurray Animal Hospital where he is now and hopefully they can fix him.  god damnit i just want him to live. if i had a million dollars i'd give it all to see him live.

i hope i get the job at syncrude fuck knows i need it to pay back my dad for Bagheera's hospital's probably going to be another $1000 that i'll owe my dad for the other vets office bill. seriously take my god damn head off with a shot gun please. my soul is dead already.
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