May 25, 2009 04:05
I've been meaning to tell myself to at least use this thing to keep track of shows of seen, 'cause I'm AWFUL at distinguishing different shows in my memory.
This past Saturday (the 23rd) was a benefit show for Mitch Dubey's dad, who had a snowboarding accident and is now paralyzed from the neck down. Greg, Cody, and I got to the show like 15 minutes early, which is so unlike us it's insane.
First off, even getting there that early, there were TONS of people there. It was a little heartwarming just to see so many people show up for a good cause, even if most people were probably just there 'cause it was TFT's first CT show in awhile.
Anyway, onto the show:
Swear Jar: Chris, Morgan, and Mitch's new band. Having never heard them before but having sorta/kinda been in a band with Chris, I felt like I knew what to expect from their sound and I guess I was right. I really dug it, but I did kinda wish Morgan was a little cleaner. But that'll come with playing more shows. I remember the first time I actually started playing out and realizing how much more fatigued I get playing a show than when I'm at practice, even if I'm practicing pretty hard. I can't wait to hear 'em again and I hope they stick with it 'cause I really like where it's going. I do miss In the Time of Dinosaurs, though. =(
Rock n' Roll Hooligans: WTF had no idea what to expect from these guys but it was pretty sick. Just picture olde-tyme Rancid as a three-piece and if Tim sang just a little better and was a WAY better guitarist. If I didn't know they were from Tennessee (Nashville too, figures!), I probably would've figured it out after their first songs. Singer got the crowd moving a bit which was pretty welcome.
Stuck Lucky: Hyper-fast, mediocre ska-core. Not my thing but people dug them so that was cool.
My Heart To Joy: Second time seeing them and they were really tight and good. I'll probably be digging this band like crazy in the future if I ever get familiar with their songs.
Hostage Calm: Fuck fuck fuck, they only played like 5 songs 'cause their singer had a plane to catch later that night, but I loved every minute of it. And I finally got to see Audible (which they opened with) live which pretty much made the night for me. Got beat up kinda hard during their set but not too bad. Took a pretty big hit to the head from a stage dive, though.
Flaming Tsunamis: Despite my habit of staying outside for the shows over the past two years, I was pretty much ready for this to be my last time ever seeing them, so I told myself I'd get up in the crowd. Chris Z. and D-Ray (from Fatter Than Albert) are filling in for them on horns and keys this summer while they play their last batch of shows, and they sounded really good and tight. Obviously the crowd was flipping, boogie board crowd surfing and all. I obviously fit in quite well with my rash guard and board shorts. I will forever have the image of Greg going crazy on bongos during "Vines" burned into my head and I love it. Managed to get up on the crowd (thanks to Cody) for "The Last Rule of Myspace," and I got thrown waaaaay up towards the stage during the whole ending "YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN AN ARMY LIKE THIS!" part, and I really hope a picture or two came out of that haha. As the song wound down, I felt the crowd pulling me back away from the stage and I basically fell about 6 feet down and five feet away, right onto my back. Cody and a few others had to pull me up off the floor...aka OUCH. They started "Dead Girlfriends" after that, and that was my cue to get out of the pit and lay down for awhile hehe.
Overall, if I never say that band live again, I'm glad that this was my last time. Wonderful show for a great cause.