Jun 04, 2010 14:26
So, last time I updated this was, what, three months ago?
Wow cj, well done!
I'm still working for Darwin City Council in Youth Services. I like my Job. I like working with young people. I don't really like the behind the scenes stuff much. i really like interecting with the kids, hearing their ideas, and helping them be creative. they are all amazing.
My boss has been away lots lately with health problems and being in the ofice alone and underqualified was terrifying, but i think i did an alright job.
I'm going to Splendour in the Grass at the end of July with Lana and Cammy. This will be good :) we still have lots to do and it wil be freezing but worth it i think.
i bought a tambourine, i like it
I finally was able to start my Cert III in comm services. i don't really want to do it, as i am more than qualified to just kip to Cert IV in youth work, but work is paying for me to go and study it, so it's a pretty god deal regardless. it will mean that i need to buy a computer though, as i'll need one to do my work. i just need to get around to working out my finances and such.
I've been drawing lots lately.
I'm helping the Happy Yess ( a local community run live music venue) to move into their new home atm. last weekend we painted their new room. it was hard work! over the next few weeks we'll be doing the rest, staging, bar, soundproofing, signage etc. and then it's time for Terrorfest II which will be good. Go Nico. Bitches don't know 'bout his two stages. it's a pretty big deadline.
i went to the first night of Fist Full of films lst night with Lana, which was good. i Hope to go tonight, and on the weekend as well, to see all the local short films. i like film.
My cat is very annoying
at work