Rumby Legacy 8.2

Sep 01, 2010 23:14

In Our Last Update:

- Coral Rumby was born.
- Diana finally got old (due to the shortage of life fruit)
- Kitchen set on fire.
- Maverick, Brianna, and Delta became teens.
- Coral became a child.
- Lots of fishing, gardening, and homework.



Welcome to the Rumby Legacy! Where we encourage old people love.
(And often, can't stop it.)

Coral has become the slide's one true fan.

Except she sucks at it... some how. Who fails at sliding down a slide?

At least she doesn't give up.

Diana is a work-out addict. I think it's time for an intervention.

Bea: So, sweety, how's school?

Bea: Does it still stink?

Coral: Actually, it's quite clean. Compared to this house anyways...

Bea: ...Isn't it time for you to go to bed?

Bea: That's right, you listen to your mother.

Coral's birthday!
(Childhood goes by way too fast.)

Delta appears to be a little bit lost.

I actually really love Coral. Right now she might be in the lead for heir.

Plus she really loves fishing, which is cute.

On the other hand, when I let Brianna out of the house, she drinks.

Then Delta plays guitar and Maverick watches.

Since they spend most of their time at the beach, I built them a little house down there, and I absolutely love it.

The upstairs is dedicated to sleeping, while the upper porch has most the skilling items.

The downstairs has one bathroom, kitchen, dining, and living room. Then a nice front porch, and a back porch equiped with bar, chess table, and stereo.

And here is Maverick, taking advantage of the chess table.

Oh Diana, never stop being you.

Then there was a rather fierce guitar-off upstairs. No one won because I had to force them to go to school.

Coral apparently skipped school completely and went to the beach? :|

Quinn then started dying.

Grim: I see you there behind that wall. You're dead now. Go to your grave or I'll have to use force.

Coral: So mom, I bet you're pretty upset that Dad left you and all.

Bea: Must not kill daughter... must not kill daughter...

Coral: You know, since he's dead and stuff...

Bea: Well, I enjoyed my marriage with him while it lasted.

Bea: One day your husband will die too if you ever get married.

I love the front porch. I always get a kick out of seeing my Sims sitting out there reading or something.

Diana: The death of my son-in-law makes me so sad.
Mortimer: There there...

Mortimer: I know it's not saying much, but I never really liked the guy anyways.

Safest way to check to see the stove is on.

This is some girl that came home with Delta. Isn't she gorgeous? :D

Delta: I don't know, isn't this game a little too violent for our impressionable minds?
Maverick: Mom bought it for us, so it must be okay.
Coral: *would rather be fishing but can't because of curfew*

Maverick's birthday! I would throw him a party, but it's a school day.

He ended up with the Flirty trait. I didn't see that one coming.

So I thought he'd start by hitting on the maid. That surprisingly didn't work. She's in a ~relationship~ (nyeeeh)


Since the maid, who he is completely in love with, is in a relationship, I thought we'd hunt some more. She looks nice :D

Maverick: I'm going to ask you straight up, are you single?
Lady: No. I also have two kids! DO YOU WANT TO SEE PICTURES?
Maverick: Um... no.

Maverick: Water makes me need to pee

This is the photo Maverick put up of himself on that one dating site. You know the one.

This is just to show you how cute Maverick would be if he was gay, also, how much he looks JUST like his mother.

Diana: What am I doing out here?

Diana: There are INTERESTING things to look at in the house!
I think Diana has taken the whole 'Beach side house' thing to heart, because she now rarely leaves her bathing suit.

Brianna: Just sittin' here drinking...
Maverick: Why me?

Since every other woman in town is obviously taken or close to dead, Maverick tries the maid one more time.
Maverick: I know you're 'taken' and I know that my arm is stuck in this door, (also, my family is loaded) but PLEASE give me a chance?
Marice: What? You're rich? WELL...

She was easy to woo, moved in, got a makeover, and dumped her boyfriend who is also the town's "I never wanted to stop being a paper delivery boy, and I still live in my mom's basment" guy.

Mortimer: Awww, young love.

Maverick: Grandpa, do you mind leaving...?

Maverick: So, as I was saying, you can beat my batter any day...
Mortimer: What a lame pick up line. I hope he gets smacked. :)

So after a quick smooch, which has been lingering in his Wants panel for a few days now...

... they started going out (finally)...

... then they GOT out. Of the house.
Marice: Wait... what? But... family... money... house... *Brain fries*

Marice: Good bye money... good bye paper-boy boyfriend...

Aw, ghosts conversing :) though I'm some-what worried because ever since the move to the new town, everyone from Marla and up in generations aren't blood related for some reason, and I got ACR... :|

Go swimming Diana.
Diana: But... what if I DROWN?

Diana: I'm in, but what if I can't get out?


Diana: I'm stuck :( halp

*sigh* FINE. I only did it because you keep wearing your swim suit.

Diana: What a terrifying experience. I never want to swim again.

Coral went home with this guy, only to leave a few seconds later.

Diana: I want to dance with you
Twirl you all around the floor
That's what they intended dancin' for-

Diana: I just wanna dance with you-
Mortimer: For the last time, I refuse to take dance classes with you.

Birthday time once again.
Bea: I can't wait till you find that "over the hill" card in the mail I sent to you last week.

Coral: Woo, birthdays, and all that junk. Time to go to school.

Brianna grew up into a shirt that matches her past dress.

Paper girl is upset she wasn't invited to the party.

Note to self: invite paper girl to next birthday bash.

I just realized that Delta and Brianna have nearly the same "Likes." That's pretty cute.

Coral: Woo! I'm skipping school again!
Diana: Fine, you can do the dishes then.
Bea: ++

I was going to find them boyfriends and get them jobs, but I'm lazy.
This means Coral is heir.

My old people still like to eat out. This time it's Diana with the impecible taste. Then afterwards they went inside to "Get drinks" and ended up "running into eachother and chatting for a while." Classy.

*super duper loves this*

So I decided everyone needed some family time by the beach. Well, things don't always happen as they are planned I guess :|

But Coral caught a SHINY fish. Seriously, LOOK at that glossy thing.

Coral: I may be reading, but don't think I can't see you sitting there failing at your job.
Maid: My life is a living hell *sighs and sips OJ*

If I hear the whole 'workout' channel ONE MORE TIME I'm selling the TV.

Coral: Eww, old people ghosts
Layla: Look how much higher I can float than you can.
Dillon: *pout*

Then they talked about Diana for a few hours. I'm guessing they are planning on her joining their ranks soon. Too bad for them, she is SUPER FIT and will probably live forever.

Bea had a birthday all by herself outside of work.

Sad Bea is sad and wrinkly.

Diana: Uwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaah? My daughter is old like me now? THAT IS SO CREEPY.


I've been playing a lot of Sims 3. I want to buy some expansion packs for my next legacy, but I only have $50 and $20 is going to gas, and the rest is going to baby stuff. I wish I bought them with my last paycheck :(

sims3, rumbylegacy

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