Rumby Legacy 8.1

Aug 25, 2010 21:28

Longer update than the last update!

Summary of the Short Update:

- Mortimer and Diana got married.
- Bea and Ned were born.
- Sterling and his brood got kicked out.
- Lots of Sim Novels were written.
- Bea became heir and started popping out babies.
- Maverick, Brianna, and Delta were born.

Everything You Need Rumby-Related is in the Archives.


So I'll start off with the Twins having birthdays.

Brianna (who is Excitable and Artistic) grew up with a lot of her Grandma's traits, THANKFULLY. I was afraid all the children in this generation were going to get Mortimer's genes.

Like Delta (Friendly and Virtuoso), who got full blast of those genes. Including eyes and hair.

The girls are all about the activity table. I see paper there, and I see crayons, WHY can they not doodle? Damn you EAxis.

Diana loves her Grandson.

... I think she moved from like 6 chairs before she got comfy at the bar.
Maverick: I'd like to get down now :(

Quinn got old at the beach. I was just sending the adults out so they wouldn't go crazy from toddlers, and they ended up having a birthday party too.

IDK what it is about my Sims and liking older people. Quinn also has two full-grown sons running around someplace.

Bea got all glitched up and kept standing up in bed.

Delta: Mommy, there is.. there is something on your face.
Bea: What? What is it? Get it off!
Delta: I.. I don't want to touch it.

This was Maverick's first action when he grew up. AWW.

Maverick has the Genius, Lucky, and Slob traits.

Meet baby Coral! She is a Light Sleeper and a Slob.

Then Coral grew up. Yay, the Mort genes are dwindling!

Brianna grew up as well. She got the Friendly trait.

Delta got the Mooch trait.

Mortimer is my permanent Painting slave. Also, he has his left hand stuck in a cup.

Delta is pleanty satisfied sitting on her bed day dreaming all day.


Delta: You are interupting my mac and cheese for THIS?

Then Grim was all "Oh hey, thanks for the flower. You can continue living then, bye."
I thought the flowers only protected Sims from accidental deaths. Oh well, Mort continues life.

Then Maverick growth spurted? And Mort's hand is STILL stuck in that cup? It didn't slip off or anything when he became a ghost?

The slide has become more popular than any other item in the house.

Coral is left forgotten in the nursery. Well, mostly forgotten. I think Diana has taken on the 'doting Grandma' trait.

Brianna explains to her Grandma that she isn't cool anymore because she's so old. It doesn't matter if you look young, if you're over 80, then you're old.

The cup makes the massage only more amazing.

Diana also spends a lot of time up in the attic. There are a lot of fun things to look at there.

Brianna is a social butterfly. She goes to a new person's house every day. This kid could be a potential suitor?

Maverick's birthday!

First thing he does: fail at opening the dresser.

As a recap, he now has the Slob, Genius, Lucky, and Loves the Outdoors traits.

Pedognome is watching my sim children play with the doll house.

Still a butterfly of the social kind.

Aw, that is the cutest thing ever Maverick.

Mortimer: But I wanted to snuggle my Grandbaby :(
Maverick: Then maybe you shouldn't move so slowly.

Diana: Why hello there, fancy meeting you here in the bathroom.

Diana: I feel like celebrating randomly!

Meet Old!Diana. Who is not happy that she ran out of life fruit.

Birthday time, and Delta is hoping no one notices she set the cake on fire.

Everyone DID notice besides Brianna apparently. Even the alarm going off doesn't distract her from her wish making.

Diana: Did you NOT hear me say "don't wish for the cake to set on fire"? I tell that to everyone FOR A REASON.

Maverick and his mom have the same pouty face here.

Brianna: Yay, I made my wish! And it wasn't for the cake to set on fire. So far so good. ... guys?

Brianna: Well, I'm just going to grow up now.

Delta: Okay, this time I wished for a pony. Is everyone happy now?
Diana: Just because you told us means it's never going to come true.

Delta: Aw crap.

Look at those beutiful Mortimer genes. If she didn't look just like her Grandpa (and her mom and uncle and brother....) she would have had a good shot at being heir. She now has the Friendly, Virtuoso, Mooch, and Ambitous traits.

Coral who grew up too, now has the Light Sleeper, Slob, and Over Emotional traits.

... apparently Brianna didn't get a picture? I'm sure I took one though :|
Briana now has the Excitable, Artistic, Friendly, and Light Sleeper traits.

After the disaster party, all the girls went out to learn about astronomy from the maid.

Coral would rather talk about how Delta almost burned the house down.

Brianna: *sneaks into background and stands around all smiley*

Since it was Saturday, I sent the kids out on a learning excursion. First to the mausoleum...

... where everyone came out with the "WOW THAT WAS INTERESTING" moodlet.

Then to the Science facility... where everyone absolutely hated it. Even Maverick, and that's where he wants to WORK one day.

Then they got to go fishing, because I love them so much. Obviously Coral is an outcast.

Delta caught the first fish though. Woo Delta!

Back at home Maverick gets his gardening skill all boosted.

And Brianna wishes her siblings would still play with her on the slide.

She wonders why everyone is skilling when they could be playing on a SLIDE.

The old people get to eat out. Mort obviously has fine tastes.

It's the cup that makes him look cool. Apparently he has decided to continue living with it...

While they were at the restaraunt the police siren went by. Curious, I went and followed it. Only to find out they were arresting poor Bea. See Bea, being a klepto doesn't pay off. ... okay, being a klepto pays off a lot, but not when you have to spend a whole few hours in jail!

Homework Floor Party! I love how Maverick, the only genius, is the only confused one there.


Yes, I'm going to finish this Legacy if it kills me. Well, I was going to finish it anyways, I was just going to not blog about it. Which is why I completely skipped writing about generation 7 :D it was boring anyways, you didn't miss much.

sims3, rumbylegacy

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