Oct 27, 2004 18:07
Well, now that I have updated a few times in that past month I seem to be receiving e-mail from people who feel that I should update more often. I reply that I may not have anything to post, then these people point out that they post almost once a day and if they can do that then I can at least post once a week, or even a month.
Hmmm. I am not going to name names, but I would like to point out something to these people. I HAVE NO FILLER!!! I mad a decision when I started this blog that I would not make useless post of mind numbing quizzes, poems, song lyrics and/ or uninformative rants and bitchings about life, love, politics, or other such things. OK, maybe some rants, but only if I feel they are informative or amusing. Not ones that basically state that "I hate that/him/her and do not go into any detail. I also wanted to make sure that my blog was not a depressing account of my life and would try to keep it upbeat.
Now, I am not criticizing (much) people who post such things. But I dislike paging through 20+ posts in order to get a really meaty post by the person I am reading about. It does not have to be an involved explanation of your current affaires, but I really to not gave a crap about what fruit you are or what character of a movie you are most like. (ie. "What Lord of the Rings character am I most like? Golem." Good for you, now get back if your damn cave and don't tell me about it!) If such thing where few and far between I would find them amusing, but it is frustrating when the only thing that I learn about a friend of mine on this web page is a slew of results from 10 min quizzes. Truly I couldn't care less.
Some quizzes, ones that are a bit more personal, ones that are maybe from one friend to another in a sort of "How well do you know me" manner are a bit better. But once again... please oh please do not load me down with tons and tons of these. Keep it in moderation. If you have too many of these they just become waist... and to me waist if just a nice way of saying garbage. So in other words... your 1000+ post of quizzes and other useless crap = garbage.
Ok, now that is out of my system, I do have to admit that I am vary bad about updating this thing. I will put some more effort into keeping current... Now, I do have many things that I think about posting, but what I would often do is write it down and then look at it a day later before deciding if I should post it. And in most cases I fell that what I have written is useless and throw it away. I will try to stop doing that in the future and just post what ever random crap spews forth from my fingers when I sit down in front of this machine that seems to dominate a good amount of my life. (SucH as what I am doing now.) So, in light of this new system of mine, I would ask you to please forgive me for any nonsensical and useless posts I may have in the future (and also this current one too I may add.)
I will stop checking my spelling and grammar, because rereading such post may cause me to delete them. So I guess you should forgive me for that also.
Yeah... I'm done. Have a good night people.