Oct 01, 2004 01:20
Hello all you bored people reading my journal. I hope you are having a happy 'ol time of it.
Well, I have not updated for a bit, and there are many new things in my life. Sorry about that, but I do not think I will ever really have frequent updates.
So... what has been happening with me eh? Well, I have another new job. No surprise there. By now I have a very colorful resume. I have been an Asst. Manager at an Office Supply store, also been a delivery driver there and a salesman. I have worked at a call center, along with half of Santa Maria. I have work at a software company; it was fun, but not as cool as some people believe. I have delivered pizza, worked at a casino, done construction and worked in a supermarket's meat department. Now I am a Polysomnografic technician.... What the hell is that you say? Well, in order to keep my fingers from falling off I will gave you a short version. Basically I test people for sleep disorders... and I get to wear scrubs(yay!). I mainly test people for Sleep Apnea, but I can do other test as well. (But I have not yet.) I am not going to go into detail about my job or various sleep disorders, so look em up la lazy bastards!
I also have a new girlfriend. I am dating Charlette Reese. (I am not sure if that is how you spell her last name, and I hope to god she does not read this before I can edit it.) Yes Reese, as in Randy Reese's sister. Man, she is great... but I aint going to get all lubby wubby on you guys, so don't freaking worry and keep reading. I do not consider myself that great of a boyfriend; I do not give an abundance of attention, and I also like to have a lot of "me" time. (Video games, books, messing around). So we will see if she can put up with me.
Other then that I have been living life and having fun as normal.
So now for something interesting that happened to me.
The other day I had an appointment for registration at the DMV. It was at 2pm, so I decided to leave at 1:40 to make sure I get there in time. Well, about 3-5 min on the road I get pulled over by a sheriff officer.
"Did you know you had a tail like out, sir?" he asks me.
"No, sorry, I did not know. It is an old car and the wiring comes loose some times... I'll fixed it later tonight." (I lied, the bulb is burned out and I have not gotten around to finding a new one, but that excuse always works.^^ )
"Well Mr. Landvooogittt" (he can not pronounce my name) "Do you mind if I search you vehicle?"
Ah hell, I think. Well, even if I showed up on time I would still have to wait at the DMV for another 15min before they got to me. "Sure" I say.
He then precedes to search my car and find a half full bottle of Jack Danials in my trunk. He asks me if I new it was there and I replay that yes, I knew it was there and I had put it in there earlier that week.
"Why where you driving around with an open bottle of whiskey with you?"
"Well... it was in my trunk and I always thought it was legal to have an open container in you trunk, just not in your cabin...." I pause. "But I was at a party this weekend and decided to take what was left of the bottle that I had bought amd bring it back home with me."
The officer then grunts and proceeded to thoroughly search my car. I am tempted to ask him to stop so I can be on my way, but I do not. He finds nothing else, and after giving me a somewhat dirty look, says I can be on my way.
Thank God that is over with I think as I head to the DMV. It is now two o'clock and I am going to be late. Ah well, nothing I can do about it. As least I will not be too late... but no... I spoke too soon. I hop onto a major road and I am once again pulled over, this time by a city cop.
"Did you know your tail light was out?"
"Yes officer, I was just pulled over a few minuets ago because of it."
"Hmmm... do you mind if I search your vehicle?"
Sigh... damn it... "Sure, go ahead"
Once again the bottle is found, I am questioned, and the cop does a thorough examination of my car. Once again nothing is found . The cops seems to be kind of upset about that, and sends me on my may.
2:15... gonna be late, hope to hell I do not have to wait in the non-appointments line. So far this has been a bad days driving, and oddly enough, I expected it to get worse...
I was right. As I turn down a side street to go to the DMV and avoid some lights I get pulled over once again, this time by a Highway Patrol. I just start laughing my ass of.
"Do you know you tail light if out son?"
I am laughing so hard it takes me a little while to compose myself in order to respond. "Y,yeah I know buddie. Your the third cop to pull me over about it in the last hour."
"Hmmm... well son, do you mind if I search your car?"
Not a chance ass hole, I think "Not a chance as... err.. sir. I have to be on my way. I am already late for an appointment."
Well, he lets me go, then follows me until I pull into the DMV parking lot. He then parks and watches me walk in.
As I walk in, a man who was walking in already when I pulled up looks at me and says "Nice car, did you know you have a tail light out?"....
Good times, good times.
I have a new e-mail address BTW. Send me a e-mail at turbo.nick@gmail.com so I can add people to me contacts list. I am missing a lot of peoples addresses.
{Edit: Some spelling. Most likely there are grammar errors as well. Screw it]