This weekend went so quickly! Guess that what's happen when you're having fun eh.
Saturday, we picked up
psyche_71 and
microchip, before setting off to the Sanctuary. This has really become the regular hang out for the gang now. The usual suspects,
nina321 and matt started arriving and it was good to see some new faces travelling from Sheffield too. Nina officially told me off for being a lazy git not updating my LJ for ages - no comments, entries no nuffink! So right so right. It has been at the bottom on my priority list, but here you go Nina, an entry, hee hee. Guess I will try to update at least every 2nd month to keep it alive :)
My uberfit
masokiss and myself set off farily early to see the DaVinci Code, which I really enjoyed. So many people have an opinion about it. I haven't even read the book and went with an open mind, awaiting to be entertained and enjoy the plot. Great actors and some interesting thoughts. Some historical inaccuracies, but interesting nevertheless. I'd see it again!
Got up early with the heavy nappy monster on Sunday. Funny how you just wake up by the smell of baby pooh and sunshine. Nothing like it! Kaiser is veldig active and unless you entertain him, he will demolish the room, the other rooms, the house, well we havent' really set him loose in the garden yet, but I think the neighbours wouldn't be too impressed if a 3ft lump went for their windows or car, even thought this hasn't been tested yet. Hm I think I'm waffling now, but you get my drift.
Oh, and some