It was A pumping party, with a good vibe & well presided over by Sam Boylan for a totally KICK-ASS set for at least 4 hours +
DANCE++ ENERGY++ 1337++ KittyKarma++
The dance floor was HORRIBLY empty of Familiar faces >UN-DISCREET STAB AT YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE<
But at least 2x fantastical Cat's &
android_lime were at hand 2 hold up the Sin-Thetik banner.
Oooo ooo & Stewart & Leslie Made the mighty trek down from Bothas hill to join us 2 (good on them)
Very few people made an attempt at dressing for the occassion which I think could be largly attributed to
3-30's bad advertising of the fact that it was a dressup event.
However Mr
_greykat IMHO stole coolest Kat for the evening with the best attire.
I think that we need to invent a penalty system for party lamers/faders B>
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