this eve's thoughts

May 11, 2006 21:51

Today was a good day for me.
It started on a bad note, as i had a shower and shaved, and looked at the time, the TV saying it was 7:24, and the trains seeming to say 7:40.. hmm odd stuff.. But yeah, went to school all fresh and ready for the day (if 15 minutes late)..
SO i got to my lecture theatre, and was like "There aint no1 here, wtf??" Went to the reception desk and they told me that the classes merged cos my lecturer was sick that day, so then i went back to the class, a second before i enter the door (I swear, not after i came back out).. like a fire alarm went off. So i didnt even get to sign my name on the roll. So like freaking half an hour later, i get a call from my dad saying that he got a call cos i was absent, explained it to him, then had to sort it all out BAH...

But it was alright, A little bit after all that was sorted, i got asked to head to Hudsons with some friends and hang out. Had'nt really been asked to hang out much at my new schooll.. lol seeing as i was an outsider basically. But today was an awesome day :P Got lotsa hugs, and every1 was nice and complimentary of me today ^.^ BUt yeah was talking to this cool chick about X-men, and all these uber ABC (a t.v channel) shows we used to watch :P, and all this crazy stuff. and also a friend of mine Julian, was just making me laugh too hard (infact all day). and also a really cool friend Katrina, hehe soo funny :P We like keep saying what each other say and thinking how the other thinks. rofl its so scarey. Like twice today we said the same sentence at the same time! and like ithappened last time we were hanging out aswell lol, i think she stole my brain :O

lol but yeah after just worked lots ^.^ 3 hours of maths FUNFUNFUNFUNFUNF omg :D so fun! then went to eat lunchy munchies. Saw a friend of mine Scott, who i spoke to for like the WHOLE of lunch break. lol We were discussing capitalism, and cognition, and metaphysics, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Unfortunately he was largely ignorant of some valuable axioms which i have, and his own are very much based on chaos and unpredictability (amatuer philosopher >.<) lol, twaz good non-theless

Hrm after that was just an hour wasted, doing some reading in a noisy room... Um twazmostly my day, other than that just more schoolwork and Pah. boring stuff.

Twaz a good day, had fun with my friendlings. OH also a funny thingo happened in politics! A friend of mine was being silly so i told him to hit me. So he did, and i was like "try again??" lol so he starts flailing at me like a woman! lol i waslaughing my head off!, he ended up hurting his knuckles and wrists:P so i pinched him and sent him yelping lol :P Go like so many high fives ^.^ Rofl also got called a "real man" lmao! was the funniest Pol lecture ever!!!

bah lol goodnight y'all! :D

~Mr. Alex
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