Going on 40...and life to go!

Feb 12, 2011 13:37

ah yes...contemplating life or as Donald would say "Tom's deep suicidal thoughts." 8)

The last time I posted here I was in a very different state of mind, I reread it and I am satisfied that I made a pretty good post.

I am going on 40, alot of people stress out about this age - not me!
I feel like I am about to hit my prime!

People say live a life without regrets - but I disagree - regrets are what keeps you from making the same mistakes again. You learn from them and you grow from them. Do not dwell on them but use them as stepping stones for improvement!

I have a few regrets-
Getting in a fight with my best friend on a bus because some older kids co-erced us.

Not taking my kids to the dentist enough.

Treating others badly not out of meaness but out of an air of indifference.

Not showing I was greatful or thankful enough.

Trying to make everyone happy at the expense of my own happiness resulting in no one being happy.

Worrying about things that were unimportant while the things that were important were neglected.

Not punching someone in the nose that deserved it. It would not have changed the outcome but the message would have been clear.

Not spending more time with my dad.

Making fun of my dad a few days before he died. (not meanly but in jest but I still wish I had not)

I am sure there are others I have missed , you know I have 40 years worth somewhere. I earned these 5 grey hairs in my beard along with the wrinkles around my eyes when I laugh.

I have done alot of good things too, in fact so many I cannot list them here. 8)~

So lets talk about almost 40 and dating...talk about complicated!
First you have to meet the women - and they are all SO different.
Some that like doors being opened and others that are hard core independent - can be quite entertaining to see who gets to the door first. 8)

You also have to deal with Age ranges - 21-30 be prepared for a short term relationship because they are going to want kids OR already have young children.Not that I could not handle kids, it would be something that is discussed. Immaturity issues and lack of life experiences. Not that I act ultra mature - in fact I think my maturity level has taken a hit with my new outlook on life. It is fun though!

30-40 be prepared for baggage and kids of varying ages.Still exploring this area, very enlighening. Tyically these women have purpose or are broken, take your pick.

So then you get a date- how soon is too soon?
If you wait too long will they think you are not interested or Gay?
Will we be friends with Benifits or is their potential for something more?
How do you approach that subject w/o offending or scaring them off.

Should I throw myself into every situaion with reckless abandon to experience everything I can?

or do I take the slow - protect myself path - make sure there is a connection first and ease into it.

I have been doing a mixture of the two but it is difficult to judge how it works.
I have a creative side which can be kind of wonkey with my outward casual conservitive behavior. So I would bet I am as confusing for them as they are for me. I want to respect and be respected so I am careful not to mislead or mistreat.

I have had very few bad dates and made some good female friends.

This is not the post I sat down to write maybe that one will come later.


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