Will Whine for Ibruprophen

Apr 09, 2006 19:07

This morning was awful. I honestly didn't think I'd make it out of bed. I was so stiff and so sore, that I pretty much hobbled in robot fashion to the shower. Realizing that if I even stopped for a second, I'd curl up and whimper - I became hyper-active girl. I was meeting Cog at her place around 10ish (this usually means around 10:30/11. She, like me is not a morning person - and it is understood that any time given is usually 30 minutes to 45 minutes later)but being hyper, I went to Home Depot and got 10 red pavers (to put in a checker board with the grey ones) and a duplicate garden key for Cog. Then I went to the nursery and picked up my two romas and then showed up at Cogs 2 minutes before 10am. She was very gracious and both she and Thermight took it in stride that I broke the non-morning person rule and actually showed up that early. I chattered like a hyper cat, dropped the key off and went to the garden where I worked like a fiend. No stopping, no dropping.

By the time Cog showed up (at a much more reasonable time) I had framed out the third bed, broken up the soil, added amendments, covered with the weed barrier cloth and had planted the first of my romas. I was seriously running on empty at this point. While Cog unloaded her load of pavers and other misc goodies, I finished planting my other roma. Pretty much drooping, I started work on laying pavers while Cog planted her lovely heirloom tomatoes and some really pretty marigolds. I finally just had to stop - not only was I exhausted, but I needed to clean up and head out to Mar Vista for JTs fabric swap.

I made it to the swap about 30 minutes late - icky traffic the whole way. I walked away with more fabric than I had come with - that was totally not the plan!!! I'm really going to have to get serious and do some of the sewing projects I have planned.

On the way home, I got a sudden craving for sushi and Dr. Ps company. So I called him - but sadly didn't connect. Fortunately - he called me right as I was getting home and wanted to know If I wanted to have sushi and a movie tonight. Yay!!! I love it when I'm on the same wave length as my friends.

No more garden for me until next Sunday - so hopefully my body will feel better by then. I'm sure the high protein sushi dinner tonight will help muscles and such repair themselves.

Soon I'll have pictures to post of the 'GARDEN' (that's totally how I say it in my mind) for all those who have been wanting to see some.

health, doing stuff, garden, daily life

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