Today was a Saturday sort of day.
I really truly intended to get up early and make good on my promise to the cats to clean their boxes and wash their rugs. Hmmm yet again I fail to make good on my promises to others.
I eventually got up and made it to the mall. Malls are full of the tragically insane. I definitely felt unhinged just by being there. But, several lifetimes later, I made it out with my new sunglasses. Yay me.
Bright spot at the mall - Mongolian BBQ. Man I love that. Mmmmmm
Then onto study group. Where yet again only myself and one other showed. We were supposed to work on our group project, but as two people didn't show or send their research - all I could do was bang out a format. Seriously, If I don't get an 'A', I'm taking some contracts out on folks. F and I spent most of the time studying for the test on Tuesday. RBI is having the rest of the exams in class. No more take homes - he wants to see who knows their shit I guess. No worries, I mostly know my shit and really know how to make a great notes sheet. We're allowed two pages of notes. I can fit the whole damn book on two pages.
I spent time doing penance at the grocery story - who knew that tofu cost so much?
Eventually I made it home and settled on the couch to get in my weeks worth of TV watching. Apparently some dude on the East Coast has determined that handling cat shit and not washing your hands can cause schizophrenia - new diagnosing process, see who has poopy hands. Also, some christian fundamentalist doesn't want the cervical cancer vaccine available to women. He claims that abstinence is the best prevention method - wonder how that'll fly if his wife decides to stop having sex with him because she's worried about contracting cervical cancer? Women in long-term monogamous relationships get cervical cancer too.
I really should stop watching the news. I'm so much happier when I don't know what's going on in the world.