Morning Business

Sep 25, 2008 09:02

Even though this is only the second morning I've spent here ... there's already a morning routine established.

I wake up and head towards the restroom.

Once established on the seat of power .... Spats sticks his in and politely looks away as he mutters: "umm yeah, good-morning then. Any chance you know when you'll be done here? The troops, you know - we're kinda hungry. Well, leave you to it."

Smudge on the other hand, gallops in, leaps onto my unprotected lap, springboards off to the nether regions behind the SOP and rummages around. His tail swishing against my bare rump.

Sarah sashays in starts to give me a coy look and then notices Smudge - her personal nemesis behind me. "I'm a princess you know. And really? I shouldn't have to put up with this shit. Can't you make him go away? I'm a princess!"

Smudge then leaps out over Sarah, causing her to hiss and go to ground. He springs onto the tub side and battles his way through ninja cats hiding in the curtain to reach the tub and carom around inside of it before finally shooting out and galloping to another part of the house.

Sarah wanders out still muttering about being a princess.

Spats once again sticks his head in, politely looking away "So then, about finished then are we? 'Cause you know, it's been a few hours since the bowl has last had food in it and so the troops are just wondering when it will be full again. So then see you out here soon then."

Sighing, I do indeed finish and go fill the bowl as feline bodies twine around my ankles.

things that make me smile, northern migration, feline matters

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