Happy 420!

Apr 20, 2008 22:20

Wow what a day!

It totally started out sucky and ended Awesomely!

I woke up with a killer headache - not the nose bleeding, crawling on the floor kind - but still it sucked to be alive.

Around 3ish, GirlCrush called and was all 'Let's go see Jessica Hoop she's playing at the Topanga Earth Day Festival."

I'd finally managed to drug my headache into submission and always up to spend time with GirlCrush - I boogied on over to her place.

We got there in time for me to down two Tai Ice Teas, have an awesome veggie burger salad and a morrocan mint tea lemonade, before JH got on stage. Her show was awesome, and I actually thought it was better than when we saw her at the Wiltern with a full band.

The scene totally took me back to my childhood - lots of scantily dressed folks, tie-dye, flowy clothes, clouds of pot smoke, and dancing groups of kids. The only real difference was that there was more use of bras (which I approve of) than when I was a child.

After the show, we walked around and shopped at the booths - I totally scored a cute pair of amber earings - two awesome hemp bags - and a this really cool board-game that teaches you about edible and medicinal herbs. I'm bringing it to the next games day I go to.

We then went to dinner at Follow Your Heart. I had a super yummy club sandwich and cup of chili. Then we went shopping in the grocery part of the store. GirlCrush totally got lucky and got the cute friendly check-out guy and I got the not-as-cute, stoned check-out guy (she thought he was cuter than her check-out guy - I totally disagreed).

So now I'm home and feel really great - the nasty headache a distant memory.

music, happy dance, doing stuff, eating, i'm a consumer

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