Leg in the Door?

Feb 11, 2008 15:43

BossLady on phone: Catta, could you please come into my office for a moment?
Catta manouvers her way out of her very overflowing cubicle and heads towards BossLady's office.

BossLady: What's your work load looking like? HRDrammaQueen has something she'd like you do do.

Catta: Ummm I have a pile of checks to print - the departmental mail - forms - and your items that you handed me last week still to start. If it's high priority I could get to it today by 4pm otherwise tomorrow would be better.

BossLady frowns: My items aren't high priority - but the other stuff is higher than HRDrammaQueen's item. You know, we need to sit down and discuss your work responsibilities. You haven't complained, but you're doing way too much clerical work.

Catta: ....

BossLady: I actually have two positions open - the executive admin and a clerical, you've been kinda straddeling both. I had hoped not to need the clerk- that some of the others in the group could pick up some of the clerical stuff - but everybody's way too busy. I need you freed up to take care of more executive tasks. When did you start.

Catta: I've been here since October.

BossLady: Hmm has that been 90 days yet? Anyway, when you see someone new come in and some of what you do is given to them - don't think you're out of here. You're not.


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