Jan09: 12pm - lunch with MotherSuperior and PartnerInCrafts
Jan10: All Day - AuntieJ's Bday - HAPPY Bday AuntieJ!
Jan12: 9am - walk with
katkoala 8pm -
Harvey Reid at Caltech with FiddlerGal
Jan15: 7pm -
Euro Games Night Jan18: 9:30pm -
Sligo Rags at Ireland's 32 with JR.
Jan19: 12pm -
Asian Food Expo at the Pomona Fairplex.
Jan20: 4pm - Evite!
Jan25: 8pm - I really want to see
John McCutcheon at Caltech ... but if I can't find a show buddy to come along ....
9:30pm -
The Whooligans at Ireland's 32 with JR and one of HairCrush's Exs.
Jan26: 8pm -
The Folk Collection at Noble House Concerts. I'm not sure if I actually agreed to go to this, if I didn't - then whew, I'm not going!
Feb2: All Day - BrotherP's Bday - HAPPY Bday you Groundhog!
Feb3: All Day - UncleB's Bday - HAPPY Bday UncleB!
3pm -
Crafts, Knitting Workshop and High Tea Feb8: 8pm -
Leahy at Caltech. Tentative
Feb14: All Day - CG's Bday - HAPPY Bday CG!!
Feb16: 8pm -
Mary McCaslin at Noble House with JR.
Feb17: 3pm -
Games and dinner (SM's and EC's only)