Is that a Knitting Needle in your Pocket? Or are You Just Really Angry at Me?

Dec 18, 2007 11:00

I've finally decided it's time that I learned how to knit. I want to make scarfs and hats to donate next year for the homeless hike. I figure even with the cost of yarn, it will still be cheaper than going out and buying premade ones - plus, I get the satisfaction of knowing something I made is keeping the lost members of society warm.

So - a question for all you knitsters out there. What sort of gear do I need to do basic scarves and hats? I know nothing about needles - so speak in baby talk to me.

And yarn - where is a good place to get mass quantitites of durable and colorful yarn? I want something that can take being used on the street and dragged through urine. Plus be man-made (gotta keep up with the vegan values and all).

Finally patterns. Where do I get them and most importantly how do I read them? Oh and adjust them if I want something bigger (and I always want something bigger)?

I'm wondering if saftey goggles would be in order too - those points look pretty dangerous to me. :-)

being nice, help wanted, crafts

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