Aug 14, 2007 14:40
So I have a little under two weeks left of summer session. Then I get a week off and it's back to school. I'll be taking classes Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights. I'm also thinking about signing up for some community classes - one of which would be every sunday for 8 weeks. I think I have an education addiction.
In the meantime - I'm starting to seriously look for a job. I should have my resume 'rescued' and updated by the end of this week.
I'm not really looking forward to going back to work - it's not that I like school so much - it's just that at least with school, I'm not wasting my time on other people - I'm spending energy on myself.
I've become rather selfish (yes more than usual) with my time and what I'm willing to waste time and energy on. And working for the 'man' (or 'woman'), just isn't that inviting. On the otherhand, I like getting paid.
Speaking of energy - the garden is a little neglected. All I've been doing is occasional watering and picking of tomatoes and basil. I now have enough romas to make my soup - I needed 4-1/2 lbs to make 2 quarts. Now I just have to find the time to make it before the tomatoes go bad.
The lavender and lemongrass are growing well despite my neglect and should be healthy enough to move once I actually finish their permanent bed. All I need to finish it is time and about 20 pavers and maybe some edging.
Since my winter greens growing didn't go so well last year - I bought greenhouse plastic to cover the beds this year. I'm hoping to actually build permanent frames to attach the plastic to, rather than just draping the plastic over the beds. I think it will work better as cold frames if the plastic is up off the ground.
This weekend is the mandatory garden clean-up. All plot owners have to show-up (at 8am in the friggin morning!) to help clean the common areas - after that, two plots per month will be assigned to maintain them. Apparently, this is another big drama thing. Last meeting there was a huge blow-up amongst the garden gnomes - too bad I don't understand Armenian!
So, tonight I'm off to try and procure a copy of the movie 'Raising Arizona'. That's what our next essay is over. We'll be seeing it in class, but I want to watch it a few more times - I'm finding it rather dificult to both watch the movie for itself and be aware of all the mechanical elements. Today we watched Hitchcock's 'Strangers on a Train', I took about a page and half of notes, but I'm not sure how I would write an essay on that. If the instructor hadn't told us the theme before hand, I'm not sure if I would have been able to pick it out. I'm still not sure what scenes to highlight as supporting the theme of 'Everyone has another side.' Oh well, if I don't do so hot on the movie essays - I should still get an 'A' for the class as only one will count towards my final grade.
Final Cat note: Quila, despite the Vet's doom and gloom, has responded amazingly well to the fluid shots. She's back to her old grumpy self - chewing on me and stealing food from Nista. Speaking of Nista, she's eating a ton and has actually put on almost a pound! Yay - I don't have to worry about ending up on Animal Police, being accused of starving my cat.
feline matters,
doing stuff,
daily life