Feb 28, 2008 16:22
All You Need is Love
I decided to deal with the overwhelming reality of leaving the country by running away to San Francisco (for a few days). Selena and I drove up to LA so I could apply for my visa, and then kept right on driving (through the worst rain of our lives) all the way to wonderful, wonderful northern California. I got to spend my time with Kass in her cute new apartment in the Mission (for those like me who did not grow up among the granola eaters, the Mission is very latin, and very hip). Meanwhile Selena canoodled with her old roomies in her rad rad rad old apartment (also, I think, in the Mission). I ate lots of good food, drank lots of tasty drinks (and yager--for the first time), saw lots of old friends (Debbie and Jen!!), and made some new friends. I also came to some silly conclusions about San Francisco. Which I will share with you now:
-Everyone wears pea coats. Pea coats are to San Francisco what tight pants are to San Diego.
-Driving in San Francisco makes about as much sense as driving in Colombia (no sense at all).
-San Francisco has more coffee shops than...I can't even think of an analogy, there are so many...
-Living within walking distance from good bars and good eats is the best thing ever. Ever. Ever.
-I am really really really going to miss Selena, Kass, Debbie, and Jen (this has nothing to do with San Francisco, but it's still true!).
This was just the first leg of our trip. In stead of tooting straight home, we drove to Santa Cruz and stayed with an anarchist. And he had a ferret! I don't know what I love more: saying that I stayed with an anarchist, or that I met someone with a ferret that is almost cuter than Nicodemus. Oh and we watched Sphere. What a tragically awesome movie. Samuel L. Jackson, Dustin Hoffman, Queen Latifah, bad science fiction...who could ask for anything more in a movie?
To make the trip even better, Selena and I took the scenic route home from Santa Cruz instead of getting on the ugly freeway. We spent the whole drive oohing and aaahing the tall trees on our left and the foamy ocean on our right. It was so beautiful that we found ourselves pulling over a couple times to take pictures of the stormy ocean. We even stopped at Hearst Castle to take a tour (but ended up just buying coffee because the tours were too expensive), and we drove by Michael Jackson's ranch! All the stopping and joy riding may have made the drive a lot longer, but it was totally worth it.
It was the perfect last-minute trip before leaving San Diego (possibly forever...dun dun dun).
I almost forgot, I wasn't going to add this in here but the post is already so long, so who cares?
Since graduating I can confidently say I have accomplished two huge things:
1. Getting an awesome job in Japan.
2. Watching all 6 seasons of Sex in the City in the span of two weeks.
That's right ladies and gentleman. Selena and I successfully holed ourselves up on and off for two weeks with nothing but loads of wine and stacks of HBO's finest. Call it antisocial, call it cliche, it was totally worth it. I might even say I feel like a better woman because of it. I might say that.