(no subject)

May 14, 2009 11:42

This morning I woke up and did a strange thing I keep doing. I wake up really early before the alarm and somehow panic that if I go back to sleep properly I am going to miss the alarm, which I won't, because it would wake me up again. Perhaps it's that I'm still a bit afraid of the alarm and like it when my body wakes itself up about five minutes before the alarm, so I feel edgy if I wake up an hour beforehand. The whole thing is very stressful and tired and confusing. I really need to wash my hair but I DIDN'T because I am too lazy.

Then I began eating breadsticks for breakfast but Chris arrived with the milk. He is our pseudo-milkman. Then he sat on my art folder. After I finally managed to get ready we walked to school. I love how Chris and I talk about the children we see on the way to school but to anyone else it would just sound like we were pedophiles. Never mind. I told him a bit about the Age of Stupid which I desperately want to see again.

THEN we got to school and were just in time for our revision session with Percy! More people turned up on time that the previous one, but to be honest we might as well have not gone to the one on monday - Mrs Jackson is not a very good teacher and Percy went through the very same booklet she gave us but MUCH BETTER. We learnt lots of things. Yes... learnt, not remembered. I don't think anyone bothered trying this year, including me, so now I have to teach myself a million linguistic frameworks by tomorrow morning for the exam. OH WELL. Percy's got really cute hair.

Then I had to go to the art rooms and mount up all of my art project. I went there and a girl said she liked my harpsichord from the school play! The door was locked so I waited until Mrs O'Keefe came along, huffing and puffing and holding a huge folder of A1 paper. She said "ooh" and "oh dear" a lot and then asked me to help her open the door and the first key I tried worked! Then I took all my art things to the study room to stick them on. I don't really like my project but I'm glad it's done and I hope the mark it gets is okay. There were some people having a meeting in there with a woman who is a PE teacher but they weren't talking about PE so I don't know what was going on. I couldn't really understand their conversation. I like to think they are a secret organisation.

After I had done everything (YEAH) I took all my stuff down to the art room again. "Thanks! Bye honey," said Mrs O'Keefe and I went away (I did say goodbye though). Outside I dropped my mp3 player but it was okay, and I began to listen to Sparks on repeat. Then I looked up and there was Chris' mum's car!

"That's rather strange," I said to myself.

I stopped and watched it drive past me (slowly) and Chris waved to me. I made large shrugging and "confused" gestures as to why he had come back to school (he went home after revision). He jumped out of the car near the gate and ran back to me which was really funny. He said that his history teacher needed to talk to everyone about something. He had had his hair cut and it was all over his clothes so I brushed him.

"Stupid hairdresser," he said. It was still kind of damp. But better than before, less mushroomy.

Then I walked home and I did listen to The Number One Song in Heaven by Sparks on repeat. It was very grey and gloomy but also warm and I kept imagining jumping through the cloud barrier above me.

And now I am sitting here.

songs on repeat, chris, school, a story

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