Mar 14, 2007 08:57
Registering in 15 minutes and frankly a little nervous.
Theatre and psych shouldn't be a problem. Bio will be a bitch but it'll be there. Hopefully during phase II I can swtich out of history and into geology or astronomy to get another science credit. Preferably astronomy, so I dont have to deal with another lab.
Proposed Schedule:
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday8amBio 101 Bio 101Bio 101 labBio 1019am Bio 101 lab
10am Prehx to 476Prehx to 476Prehx to 476 11am Prehx to 476
disc. group
12pm 1pmPsych 101 Psyche 101 Psych 1012pmPsych 101 Psych 101 Psych 1013pmIntro to Cinema Intro to Cinema 4pmIntro to Cinema Intro to Cinema 5pmIntro to Cinema
Meh. Excited about cinema and psych cause I have friends in those ones. History will be a nice change. Only one I might hate is bio....sucky time. Oh well.
got everything i wanted but moved from the 8am Thursday lab to the noon Tuesday lab! YAY!