Hi! my name is Vale (Uale) ^^
I'm from Argentina, Buenos Aires.
I'm 22 years old.
I really really admire & love Seto Koji ♥
He's Everything To Me
I am admin in
http://koji-seto.blogspot.com/ (Koji Seto FanBlogspot)
https://www.facebook.com/d.date.argentina (D☆DATE Argentina)
I love a lot of japanese actors like Tomo Yanagishita, Daito Shunsuke,
Yusuke Yamamoto, Shohei Miura, Kaku Kento, Yamapi, Haruma Miura, all the D-BOYS ♥, etc.
I have long ago my livejournal, but I never used it.
now is the time!
sorry, my English is very bad. ♥
. Vale ^^.