Have not updated in a long time

Jan 17, 2006 21:45

Yes I am a bad person. I have not updated in like 6 weeks or something ridiculous like that.

So lets do some hilights of the past 6 weeks.
-Christmas with the Family.
-Spending time with my Brother.
-Spending time with my Doggies!
-Spending time with friends I have not seen in a while.
-New Years eve.
-Getting a new car.
-Not having to work, and actually enjoying my time!

Some umm.. Lowlights if you will.
-Getting CarJacked (that sucked)
-Losing all of my stuff.
-Being Broke most of break.

I am not going to go into the story, because frankly, I am sick of talking about it. I am sick of being constantly reminded of what happened. It was bad enough that it happened, and extremely traumatic, so I do not want to be reminded of it ever 5.2 seconds. If you do not know what happened, you may ask, but I am not going to waste my time typing it if I do not have to.

My Grades for last semester were as I expected. 3 A's and 1 B! Heck yes, best semester yet!

I am back at school now. I did not get the RA position (here is my surprised face) what did surprise me, however, was an e-mail that I got from Mike Strong (the Ass. Director of Residents life and housing) He writes:

"The Residence Life Coordinators did not select you as a Resident
Assistant. Because you have been active and engaged with our department
we wanted you to have a chance to talk to Shaun Harkness about the
process. We know that you have put in strong effort with the Desk
Manager position and before that as a student leader and wanted to honor
that with a face to face conversation and more information about the
decision. I will ask Shaun to get in touch with you soon."

So in other words "You are doing an awesome job as a Desk manager, and are a student leader, just the type of person that we want for the RA position, but we dont want to be inconvenienced by having to find another desk manager, so you don't get the position." Ethical? I think not. I have worked in Residents life and housing long enough to know what is ethical, and what is not. We had almost a whole day of training that was devoted to ethical hiring, and by their definition, this was unethical. If I were to not hire someone for the CA position, and it was proven unethical, I would lose my job. But apparently it is OK for them. Whatever. I guess that my "Strong effort" has gotten me no where, basically I would love to quit because of this, but I am not the type of person who quits. I will finish out the year, and continue to put forth all of the effort I can, but I am not sure if I want to reapply for next year. I have a lot of thinking that I have to do about the department that I work for.

On the Social front, I am making a lot of new friends. As I am getting more and more into my major, I am seeing the same people in most of my classes. It is nice to have familiar faces on the first day, people to chat with before class. It is not awkward anymore on the first day. I love it.

I am moving to the University Apartments. Hopefully I will be moved in my the end of this week, or early next week. I am very excited. I am rooming with a girl that I do not know. But I am optimist that it will work out. I think that given the amount of space, we will not get on each others nerves as much, as living in a 1 room place like Bulger. I am hoping to meet more people my age (the U Apps. are for Upperclassmen only) So I think that it will be a positive experience.

On the love front, Ugghh. There was a person that I, shall we say, fancied? but that is no longer there. Over break, I had a lot of time to think, I thought a lot about everything. And one topic that I pondered a lot was him. There is no longer anything there. I am moving on. I am sick of falling for someone to have it not work out. I am not going to waste another day on him. We can be friends, but that is it. I no longer sit there and hope that something will come of it, because I know that in reality nothing will. And I am OK with that. I guess it just pisses me off because I really wanted something to come of it. I really wanted to be with him. But he is way to stuck on himself to realize that, or if he does, he just does not care. In either way, I don't want to be with someone like that. So this is my goodbye to him. They say eventually one of two things will happen. 1. He will realize that you are worth it. or 2. You will realize that he is not. I guess #2 happened for me.

Right now I am loving life. I am going to get my 2 insurance checks this week, so this weekend my mother and I are going on a huge shopping spree! I am soooo excited! I have so much stuff that I have to buy. I need to buy a computer, some clothes, and some other stuff. I am going to Verizon on saturday to switch to verizon. My mom is verizon, and most of my friends are, so it will be a better deal for me. I am excited about getting a new phone!

Well I think that is all for now. I will post again next week when I have a computer! :)
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