Working... well not really!

May 06, 2005 10:28

This is my first time on this journal, my girlfriend is usually the one who posts on here. I decided to give it a try. So I was late to work this a.m. because my girlfriend and I felt the need to stay up until the birds were chirping to us at 4:30 this morning. We must have lost our minds. But we have company coming over today and we needed to do some major cleaning. However we like to procrastinate cleaning by watching things we've taped on DVR or going to get something to eat or perhaps spending 100's of dollars at TARGET on new sheets and a new Duvet. Ahhhhh!! But if she wants it you gotta buy it eh? And SHE WANTED IT!! It's actually growing on me, the colors were a little bright at first. Our dog Ace seems to like it, but he likes anything that's soft for him to lay on. It didn't help the matter any that 'Better Than Chocolate' came on TV at 2 a.m. either!

My mind has been consumed lately by multiple things. I'll give a break down for ya! The L Word probably consumes about 30% of my thoughts, Memorial day in Pensacola, FL probably consumes another 30% of my thoughts. That certain special someone (you know who you are) consumes about 35% of my thoughts and the other 5% are wandering off somewhere unknown. Unfortunately I think my girlfriend thinks about the L Word 95% of the time and the other 5% is devoted to Florida. She would probably disagree with me and boost up the Florida percentage. Haha! I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with my Sunday nights when the L Word is over! We always have a small get-together with our closest friends and watch that weeks episode. Sometimes we get crazy and drink a lot, but most of the time it's "good beer and fun you better believe we'll go..." JNB

So, I guess that's all for now. My g/f will be so proud of me for finally putting some of my thoughts down on here. Quote of the week "Beer will put the weight on you and turn you into a drunk who likes to eat pork skins...(off a foot)." courtesy of Amanda Smith, thanks for all the laughs!

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