(no subject)

Sep 02, 2005 13:53

they gave us our schedules today at registration & mine TOTALLY DIFFERENT! rrrrr

so tell me if you have anything with me.

homeroom 107 palmer, geometry: kahan, chem: chelman, english: shelhouse, scripture:douthit, world civ: heinaman (i probably butchered those names but i dont care even a little)

A DAY---mods 1-2: french 2 hnrs mods 3-4: geometry cp mods 5-6: world civ mods 7-8: english 2 hnrs mod 9: FREE mods 10-12: chemisrty cp mods 13-15: gym mod 16:FREE mods 17-18: scripture {2 frees}

B DAY---mods 1-2: FREE mods 3-4: french mods 5-6: FREE mods 7-9: scripture mod 10: FREE mods 11-12: geometry mods 13-14:world civ mod 15: FREE mods 16-18: english  {6 frees}

C DAY--- mods 1-3: chemistry mods 4-6: FREE mods 7-8: geometry mods 9-10: french mods 11-12:world civ mods 13-15: scripture mods 16-18: FREE {6 frees}

D DAY---mods 1-2: world civ mods 3-4: FREE mods 5-6: french mods 7-8: geometry mods 9-10 career awareness mods 11-14: chem lab (obert) mods 15-16: FREE mods 17-18: english {4 frees}

E DAY---mods 1-2: french mod 3: FREE mods 4-6:chemistry mods 7-8: FREE mods 9-10: scripture mods 11-12: geometry mods 13-14: english mods 15-16: FREE mods 17-18: world civ {5 frees}

F DAY---mods 1-2: scripture mod 3: FREE mods 4-6: chemistry mods7-8: world civ mods 9-10: french mods 11-12: geometry mods 13-15: gym mods 16-18: english {1 freaking free}

so its basically totally different from my other one & i have no idea what classes, if any, i have with my friends. so you should probably comment.
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