It's Oh So Quiet

Feb 03, 2007 11:38

Actually it's not quiet at all which is the actual reason for my not updating properly in a while.

I'm supposed to be in Southampton this weekend, but sadly thanks to an inconvenient wedding, that's been put back a week (so south coast types I shall be descending upon your cities and towns next Saturday if you fancy a jar and a boogy). It's probably for the best as I'm currently well and truly knackered, my candle has been immolated at both ends as it were.

For a start real life has been getting on my tits so I've been doing loads of roleplaying. I've become a proper Cammie again and I've travelled to games all over the place, I also appear to have got JohnPotter back into it again, bwahaha! For the ex-Cammies reading who might be thinking of coming back, I'm in the market for someone to play an old childer, Mekhet clan, Embraced within the last 500 years.
I also did the Maelstrom player run event in Shropshire. It was in a beautiful Tudor house with grounds et al. We were the nobility which was awesome and we had servants at our beck and call. I approve of this servants thing and want it in real life. It was a really good laugh and hopefully got Mistress_Fran hooked on the goodness that is Maelstrom. It also proved that shooting small mechanical birds with bows and arrows is actually impossible.

So why's real life getting on my tits? For a start I've got no money thanks to a stupidly huge bill of £720 and the bloody stupid habit companies have of paying their staff before Christmas. I've just had my January pay packet and already I am coming up well short. Not good at all. The upshot of this is though the flat is ready, I'm still languishing at my parents or else I would have starved. Go me!
Then there's work which has decided that it no longer likes our contract, or our pay review date of 1st January and are buggering around with it all. Thus on April 1st (unfortunately it's not a joke) we have to sign a new contract which increases our potential work times to 24/7 (as opposed to the current 7am-7pm Monday to Friday). This doesn't mean I'll be on call all the time but it does mean the company can ask me to work up to 37.5 hours at any time of the week - as long as it doesn't contravene the Working Time Directive. This development hasn't exactly pleased the staff much, especially as we get nothing for this change.
Then they dropped another one on us, though this was my customers fault. Seems they're short of space in their offices in or near the City so they want us to relocate our support facility to Brixton. Nice. This means my travel time goes up an hour every day, some of the people on my team will have to travel for hours on end extra, and we all get to be based on a site which has bullet proof shutters on it's windows. We have all said we will leave if this goes ahead. Including the local managers.
I am as you can imagine, less than happy in my job right now. Especially as we are having our busiest January ever, which is keeping us all on our toes.

I believe that's enough whinging for now, I'm off to listen to Pirate Metal and continue packing up stuff.
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