Mar 19, 2020 22:31
SWITZERLAND - published 19.03.2020
Passengers are not allowed to enter Switzerland.
- This does not apply if arriving from Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia or Sweden.
- This does not apply to nationals or residents of Switzerland.
- This does not apply to passenger with a cross-border commuter permit, a visa issued by Switzerland for the purpose of "business meetings" as specialists in the field of health or "official visit" of great importance, or who have an assurance of a residence permit.
- This does not apply to passengers who are entitled to freedom of movement and have a professional reason for entering Switzerland and have a confirmation of registration.
- This does not apply to passengers who are of great importance as specialists in the health sector.
Timaticweb Version 1.3
19 March 2020
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