She triped and fell and all i told her was: "Honey there’s no beauty in bleeding mascara."

Dec 02, 2005 06:29

Calm my sleepless nerves.
Its 11:21pm, my dad has just disconnected my internet. So I’m typing this in Word and you will be reading this in the morning when I post it. That is if you really care and read this junk.
What am I doing here? When Crying myself to sleep is a past time and. And tempting old habits is a daily fight.
I don’t know where I belong in school. Lunch is now a time I dread. The people who I considered some of my closest friends last year seem to not want me around. Its ok, I don’t mind I can take it. Change is just one of those things that come in life and I guess its just time. I just want you 2 to know I love u both and if u ever need me I’m here.
These tears that fall as I type are not that of a girl who hates her life and wants to die. If I was to say that it would be a lie. I love my life. I have amazing friends an even more amazing horse. And a mother who would give everything she has to for me and my horse. I’m not crying because of change, I’m not crying because I feel like shit. No.
This pretty girl is crying because of stress, most likely caused by not enough sleep and staying up to late working to much and not eating near enough.
I don’t think that’s why I feel so low. My eyes are red and my voice is horse because of my father. I love him so much I hate him. I would do anything to impress him. But in his eyes I’m always daddy’s lil’ reject. I want to be that daughter he always wanted: Perfect grades, Amazing athlete, in every honors class, teachers pet. THAT’S NOT ME. Honey there’s no beauty in bleeding mascara. I try and tell him how I feel but I always end up getting hurt. I have to do something and soon because I can only keep these smiles painted on for so long. I can only keep this going for so long. A girl can’t carry the weight on her shoulders all the time.
THIS IS NO CRY FOR SYMPTHAY. This is the helpless words that flood my mind every night as I try and fall asleep. Maybe you’ll read this and think nothing of it. Or maybe you’ll read this and think I’m crazy. Which ever, I could really care less.
I have to go to bed now or I’m never going to make it though school.
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