I filled out a survey :D

Jul 10, 2002 19:25

01. favorite color: Green.
02: favorite drink: Water.
03. favorite computer accessory: USB cords! Wee!
04. favorite cookie: Chocolate chip.
05. favorite author: I donno, I’m not really loyal to any authors.
06. favorite beatle: John?
07. favorite way of getting caffeinated: Soymilk latte.
08. favorite chipmunk: The cute little one that lives down the street. Hehe.
09. favorite ice cream: Cookie dough…but they don’t make it vegan style, so…Wildberry.
10. favorite lover: :D
11. do you believe in love at first sight: Yes.
12. do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom: YES.
13. do you put empty cartons back in the fridge: Only for amusement.
14. do you do things you know you shouldn't: Yes.
15. do you take responsibility: Usually.
16. do you have someone else's underwear: No. But don’t be surprised when your underwear is missing. *evil grin*
17. do you associate with people you don't even like: I try really hard not to.
18. do you have any psychological disorders: Yeah. More than one I’m sure.
19. do you drink diet soda: NO.
20. do you kiss on the first date: I kiss whenever I want to.
21. have you masturbated in front of someone not your lover: No.
22. have you broken the law: Yeah.
23. have you had one too many to drink: No.
23. have you stuffed cocoa puffs up your nose: No, but I might try it now and it’s all your fault.
24. have you backed into something: No, but I will.
25. have you graduated high school: Yes.
26. have you bitten someone until they bled: No, but I scratched the crap out of some bitch in 5th grade.
27. have you ever stolen a street sign: No, but I want to.
28. have you ever been kissed: Indeed I have.
29. have you ever been in a food fight: Nothing messy.
30. have you ever sucked helium: Yeah.
31. what are you not doing: These questions are boring.
31. what are you talking about: Nothing.
32. what are you wearing: My cousins shirt and cut off jeans.
33. what are you craving: Chocolate chip cookie dough.
34. what are you lusting: O.o I don’t wanna talk about it.
35. what are you lacking: Sweet lovin’
36. what are you going to do after this: Going back to watching Friends.
37. what are you dependent on: Mashed potatos and hugs.
38. what are you hoping: That I have an apartment with a chick and a duck like Joey because that’s some sweet stuff.
39. what are you reading: The end of The Last Time I Wore a Dress.
40. what are you listening to: Friends.
41. last movie you saw: Lilo and Stitch.
42. last person you touched: My mom when we got in a ninja fight and I kicked her ass.
43. last person you yelled at: Lacey probably.
44. last time you got pissed: I donno.
45. last person you told you loved: Jay.
46. last thing you drank: Coke.
47. last year, what were you for Halloween: I don’t remember…
48. last year, you were: a lump.
49. last time you were on the phone: was about three hours ago.
50. last song you heard: "Aqueous Transmission" -- Incubus
51. do you want to get married / divorce: I want a side of the bed first.
52. do you want to have children: Only if they share their crayons.
53. do you want to tell certain people off: Well when I want to I do, except with my parents.
54. do you want to go outside: Once the sun goes down.
55. do you want to be somewhere else: Oh yeah. I wanna be in the arms of my bunny.
56. do you want to be someone else: No.
57. do you want to be famous: No.
58. do you want to go for a walk: Yeah, but at the same time I sort of want to take a nap.
59. do you want to hug anyone: Yes.
60. do you want to make a difference: Yes.
61. how do you feel about PDA: Get a room, man.
62. how do you feel about the other PDA: If by "other" that means "gay" I cheer.
63. how do you feel about alternative lifestyles: I like ‘em :D
64. how do you feel about president bush: I think he’s a bible-banging-gun-toting-homophobic-bigot with the IQ of a rock.
65. how do you feel about birth control: *thumbs up*
66. how do you feel about abusive relationships: I think I’m masochistic. I need to stop that.
67. how do you feel about the internet: I hate the porn that gets shoved in my face constantly, but besides that I love it.
68. how do you feel about your family: Well, I love my Lilo and Stitch definition of family, but I hate my normal family.
69. how do you feel about your friends: I love them.
70. how do you feel about polygamy: *shrug* If several people want to get married it’s fine with me. I prefer monogamy myself.
71. do you like jelly beans: Jelly Bellys are rad.
72. do you like it when it rains: I *love* it when it rains.
73. do you like to drive: I can but I prefer not to for the safety of everyone.
74. do you like to eat out: Subway :D
75. do you like being home: Yeah, but only if my home was somewhere else with different people.
76. do you like the people (or animals) you live with: I like all my millions of pets, but I don’t like my mom.
77. do you like emo: Yes.
78. do you like Microsoft: I worship Microsoft.
79. do you like your name: The one I make everyone call me, yes.
80. do you like the person you ganked this from: Yes. She’s spiffy.
81. worst musical artist: Britney Spears.
82. worst feeling in the world: Having someone you let in decide they hate you and wish you were dead.
83. worst color combination: Gold and blue. Fuck you Anderson.
84. worst texture: Erics slimy tongue.
85. worst taste to burp: Umm, puke?
86. worst thing about people: Cruelty.
87. worst thing about outer space: That I don’t know more about it.
88. worst element on the periodic table: Mercury. Don’t eat it. K?
89. worst disease / infection to get: Syphilis.
90. worst position to sleep in: with your neck at a 90 degree angle. Owe.
91. you are: in need of much cuddling.
92. you are: full of spaghetti.
93: you are: disappointed that this survey wasn’t better. But I filled it out anyway didn’t I!?
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