Nov 20, 2004 19:40
My weekend so far is going really good... despite the fact that I am really tired today... last night (friday) was really fun except towards the end of the night when I spazed... yes me.. I spazed, I just hate when people are immature and care so much about things.. dumb, ne way yea last night was fun yea, and right now I am just waiting for hope to get outta work and I think we are going to visit JT since he is home for the weekend and than we will prob do nothing, I will prob come home and do what I have been doing all day which is laying on the couch "resting my eyes" hehe yeaaa.
tomorrow I work
jeffs up north... hopefully I see him tomorrow
I have homework
I'm rockin out now.... LATER ON!!!!
(have a WONDERFUL night)