[For those in her household, one might notice that Amelia has taken to sleeping on the couch. She's not actually married to her husband, and now that someone has taken the drone's place, she finally feels like she can sleep on her own. She's still clothed when she sleeps, but because of the hunger, she's also not getting off the couch or doing much
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He may have stopped today purely for the sake of courtesy.]
"You makin' it alrigh' there?"
I'd like to think I'm doing pretty well considering. It's certainly a lot easier without a mechanical husband telling me "it's my place to sleep beside him."
"I imagine it's an awkward place with one of those things livin' in th' same house."
"Oh, it turns the place into a complete curve. Always talking about how it's my duty to make dinner and play housewife. I'm a record-setting pilot! First woman to fly across the Atlantic. I don't let any man force me into second place."
"Tha' an impressive lot of accomplishments there, luv. Not too proud to accept a bit of 'elp though, are ya?"
"Nothing wrong with a little bit of help, no. But being told to be a homemaker? Everyone needs a co-pilot, but that doesn't mean I should be one just because I'm a woman, right?"
[He held up a finger in a 'wait a moment' gesture, disappearing out the back door for a few minutes to fetch something. When he returned he offered down something packed in cloth.]
"Ya'd actually be surprised what ya can't just dig up an' live on."
[It wasn't gonna be a steak dinner or anything, but most roots, seeds and stems were edible if you knew the right plants.]
"You should give this to one of the children in the city...not me."
[She was obviously lying, but her pride wouldn't let her accept it.]
" 'ow bout we make us a deal, you eat that. I'll go find ya more to take to th' ankle biters. You'll be needin' yer strength for that at least."
[Blast his better nature!]
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