Nov 30, 2004 16:20
Morgan Madding
Gryffindor House
4th year
Potions Homework #1: Gertwitz Fubleweather III
Gertwitz Fubleweather III, twice winner of the Darwin awards, was very well know for his awful findings and crude scientific methods. He used Telepaphy to mix potions and ingrediencts, and ended up dying as a result of his folly.
Fubleweather lived in the 13th century in Africa, where his brother led an underground magic carpet business, and experimented mostly with magical transportation using potions. He was trying to find a potion that would allow a witch or wizard to fly without assistance from any magical object. Unfortunately, he met his demise while trying to telepathically simmer some bumblebee guts with some scorpion poison (which, unless heated very quickly, will explode) and it exploded and so did he.
He is well known as one of the worst alchemists ever, and his findings were all disregarded as "Dumb and Extentanious" (Alchemy's Worst Feats by Simmons Kenderia, p. 6758). I don't know what Extentanious means, and I beleive Kenderia probably made it up, but it must not be good.
All potions students should be able to learn from this Not so Great Alchemist, by not repeating his dumb and extentanious feats.